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It is good against inflammation and calms. Good improvement in any case, may Allah give Shifa, amin.
Thank you, BarakAllahu feek amin all the sick
You’re welcome, wa feeki. This is crass subhanAllah I was also very ill the last days. Maybe something similar but crass as appropriate.
Jaa I also noticed subhanAllah
I’m afraid I’m running around
Because of the anti-bacterial effect, thyme is also good…
Eat or drink. Whatever it is. Mainly, it cools and doesn’t hurt too much.
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Huhu, love 7veren.
If your almonds are thick, you’ll get Neoangin’s rag pills in the pharmacy. That alleviates the unpleasant feeling.
And now for your tea:
From the supermarket a piece of ginger root. You cut them into small pieces, let them simmer slowly for 2 hours. If you take a liter of water, it cooks a bit, but it’s enough for at least 5 servings of tea.
Now you can drink your tea with the boiled ginger water, depending on the taste.
Take tea bags, this is easier, because the effect is taken by the ginger. It immediately strengthens the immune system, and thus also the thick almonds go back.
I wish you better. 🍀
Greetings, Renate.
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You can eat ice cream as well.