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R & D
The Cherry Coke from Coca Cola, because this combination of Cola with cherry flavor, most preferably ice-cooled, has tasted so delicious and refreshingly well.
Oh, yeah. I still like to drink it today, order sometimes at world of sweets
Got the star from me because Cherry Cola is the top answer
Mineral water and Coffee.
These were my favorite drinks at the time and are still today.
“Turning and drinking” I don’t know at all, Vita Malz I don’t like, Cola, Sinalco and other soft drinks are and were not “me.”
Thank you!
Please, very welcome
I still know this (born 2006). You could still buy this for a short time and it tasted super. Of course, I didn’t drink it as a child, but a little later.
I never tried it….
as Cola, as a child I loved so much and I still drink today when I see it somewhere
I occasionally buy it at world or sweets 😋😋😋
Lidl had four packs in the summer, but unfortunately Cola was already gone 😂
Pepsi Without
(without paying)
and cheap apple juice from the Tetra Pack.
😂🤣 yes, he must not miss……
Coca – Cola
Energy Drink
Full Speed Cranberry that was so delicious…
I don’t know…
This was an energy drink in Austria that was produced for a short time. There is a new edition, but it is not the true one.
Ah, okay……
The Red Bull in the very small bottles, which could only be bought in Austria because it was too heavily dosed for Germany.
Oha!!️ Okay….Thanks for your message
Powerade 😂
Ah, yes, okay….
White beer 🤤🍻
😃😃😃 ok…….Thanks for your answer