Umfrage: Welche Drogen habt ihr schonmal probiert?

Damit meine ich illegale Drogen, keine legalen Drogen wie z.B. Zigaretten, Alkohol und so weiter. Bitte abstimmen, gerne mit kurzer Begründung.

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2 years ago

Cannabis, as well as marijuana and also Macic mushrooms I had tried once again, but then I left it while trying. 😅

2 years ago

You gangsters

2 years ago
Reply to  Grinsekater251

Yes, hahahaha😎 😅

2 years ago

I don’t think mushrooms should taste cuddly and I don’t believe anything artificial. it is far too difficult to dose it properly and the effects that the consumption of this synthetic medium has on the psyche and en body, I do not find (respect word play) really intoxicating.

I am satisfied with grass, this is relaxing and probably soon also legally obtainable with higher THC content.

2 years ago

But it’s been decades ago and even once with buddies of bullshit.

2 years ago

So drunk with 18/19 beer & cut. Then from 2019 to mid last year I was very dependent on alcohol.. In 2020, I’ve been drinking as I said.

And last year in May to the men’s day completely hacked, I’ve got the first pep. That was then brought into a dependency until the middle of this year. & then I have already pulled 3 times C this year.

I’ve been clean for almost 2 months.

Ps: I don’t know the alcohol counts, so save yourself any stupid comments

2 years ago

Grass, benzos, LSD, MDMA, 2CB, Zolpidem, Lyrica, Speed up to now. I got cocaine this year before at school, mushrooms maybe in summer, ketamin would interest me but I’m not sure. I would have liked toorphin pick in 1-2 weeks

2 years ago
Reply to  erik420oderso

Are you aware of the danger?

Morphin is almost like heroin

2 years ago
Reply to  Kalle574

Yes I want to try H once

2 years ago

I can understand you, I would lie if I wrote that the effect does not interest me and this drug does not seem to have anything exciting in itself. Former consumers often describe the effect as a feeling of security or as a hug. Doesn’t sound like it’s gonna blow you around and make you very addicted.

Nevertheless, there is much more, because others compare it with an orgasm times 100 and even better, so you can imagine why many of them get so hard.

From your plan to test Morfin for the first time, I think, but Morphin is not really a warm-up drug for hero now.

That’s probably as if you were going to be someone of the water temperatures of 28 degrees or so used to go first in 10 degrees cold water, before it goes to 2 degrees cold water, that’s still too high.

Opiates in general make quickly addicted, but if you do, then do not start with tilidine or so, if you like it, this opiat high stop has not been packed so that you can get away from it more easily.

But this is not really good, because weak opioids can seem very disappointing, and that can cast a wrong picture on opiates, because the noise experience is one thing about addiction.

The Wirkeise in the brain another, and therefore also weak drugs can be quite addictive: cigarettes.

Opiates and coke should also favor this neurochemical addiction process, which is why you don’t even notice that you are on it.

2 years ago

I appreciate it very much that you try to stop people from stupid ideas, but frankly I will most likely not stop myself I know the risk and am ready for the worst while I like most guess I won’t stick what may not necessarily be smart to think that you’re different to all the others. For morphine and coke I have already decided and set myself to consumption and planned approx. With heroin, I still have to think about it depends a little bit on whether someone will be left behind just as much as I will give it to me and if then I would most likely consume nasal, with a shot not necessarily scaring me but I guess that I would not be able to get the needle into the vein. I’m not tired of life, so I’m trying to take care of myself.

2 years ago

Apparently you want to take cocaine. You can also be addicted, even if that’s not as fast as Hero.

Hard drugs are really stupid because the damage is higher than the benefits. Many are addicted to the stuff, even if they just wanted to taste it.

If you have questions about addiction, write to me privately on GF.

2 years ago

Heroin and opiates have a really big addiction potential. Look at the reports from people who have tried it on the Internet as well as everyone has picked it up or got it.

There’s so many people out there.

If you try, you could lose everything or even die.

So a very stupid idea.

Look at Eve Rave’s reports.

Cocaine consumers seem to have many who take it only occasionally, with heroin you hardly hear such reports of experience. At some point, they melt, even if not immediately, and then they are substituted.

So my advice is, leave it. Heroin is the drug most made to Junky. Even if you don’t really like it or you feel little, you could still go to the dogs because opiates make the brain new receptors that want to be occupied.

Many wanted to try and hear about heroin that only once can life change drastically. Life feels cold and hostile to heroin, so many are substituted.

So consider it again. No one will applaud you.

2 years ago

All of the counted and some others.

But since that. 5 years almost nix more, except Weed and occasionally to MDMA.

2 years ago

just try and make spas

2 years ago

All on your list and more.

2 years ago

I have no drug experience and that remains the same.🙂

2 years ago

was very funny

2 years ago

Ritalin without Adhs… Was quite funny😂😂

2 years ago

Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine

2 years ago
Reply to  Torrnado

I understand. Otherwise I wouldn’t have answered. All three things I called are drugs.

2 years ago


2 years ago

You don’t need a reason to consume drugs.

Whatever you don’t need: volunteer knowledge of drug use on a good question as long as IP addresses are traceable and criminal matters can be prosecuted as such.

2 years ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

Consumption is not punishable. A tracking of the IP address is accordingly not permitted.

2 years ago
Reply to  Schurschi1510

Consumption is not punishable within very narrow criteria. You’re familiar with the criteria?

2 years ago

I’ve consumed 2–3 times marijuana in all these years, more but not.

2 years ago

Cannabis and LSD, both did not even find so bad to be honest xD

But find that you should be well informed before consumption

2 years ago

No one, and that’s the same. Drugs? Never!

2 years ago

Cool music and love! Thank God is not forbidden!

Why should I take drugs?? I don’t see any sense in it.

I also use alcohol only as a drinker and not as a drug. I am now >60 and never had a noise except for love and horny music!

2 years ago

LSD, XTC, Pep, mushrooms, grass, that was.

2 years ago

None. No one does the drugs ☝️

2 years ago


2 years ago

You hear child, always say no to drugs! Well, honestly, if I’m talking about the drugs, I’ve probably already said that.

2 years ago
Reply to  AryaSaphyra

Yeah, I guess you got a problem. I’m sure there’s good addiction counselors who can help you. I wish you a lot of strength on the way, because you need them to get away from it.

2 years ago

and what do you think you’re so obvious to recognize a addiction disease with me? Something questionable on the basis of a comment to want to put such a clear remote diagnosis.

2 years ago

Buhu heul elsewhere

2 years ago

🤦 Like I hate such people who make such a drama with every minimal writing or TIPFEHLER. I can get German, just on the edge.

Las your frustration where different is just the lowest level

2 years ago


Small tip: learn German

2 years ago

Seekers can only judge that. No one admits that he or she is addicted although it is quite obvious that this person is addicted.

2 years ago

🙂 for some, every consumer is automatically homeless and unemployed, criminal and a burden for society.

2 years ago

Probably he/she thinks that any of the drugs consumed, dirket addicted xD

2 years ago

How do you think I’m addicted? I’m sure I can judge better than you can through this platform.

2 years ago

Take a look at this

2 years ago

I have not and I do not need:) I have never been as good as now.