Umfrage: Was kauft ihr beim Metzger am liebsten?
Die Frage richtet sich an alle User, die häufig in einer Metzgerei kaufen. Was kauft ihr dort am liebsten? Bitte abstimmen gern mit kurzer Begründung.
Ich lese immer dass 20-80gramm Fructose am Tag gut verträglich sind aber kann ich das auch auf mich als Jugendlicher übertragen? Gibt es da irgend welche Rechnungen die Körpergewicht mit in Betracht ziehen?
Habe von heut Mittag noch Reis in dem Reiskocher. Bin am zocken und habe jz spontan hunger auf Reis bekommen, aber nur Reis ist langweilig. Habt ihr Vorschläge, was man darauf sehr schnell und unkompliziert machen könnte? Danke im Vorraus
Sie hat ihr eigenes Geld.
Hi ich gehe seit kurzem ins gym und habe bei rossman diese billigen proteinriegel gesehen aber sind die überhaupt gut?
Bei uns gibt es außer dem Dualen System (Gelber/grüner Punkt) noch verschiedene Entsorgungsmöglichkeiten am lokalen Wertstoffhof. Was ist die beste Entsorgungsmethode?
Beautiful Roastbeef and occasionally a T-Bone and Entrocete. It’s good to have different interiors.
Potato salad. The butcher with us makes a very delicious. But then I usually take a carving with
I would like to buy a hunter carving
But for only one carving, the butcher, the hunter, does not want to cut
Beef chopped, beef goulash, carvings, beef turkey
To grill Wammerl and neck steak
should reduce your meat consumption
I prefer to buy sausage because I feel that the meater has not only tipped the last remains, but also good meat.
you see this has to do with faith or blind trust
Beef, pork fillet, calf liver, lamb salmon salmon
I used to be sent to a butcher in my old farm to get liver cheeses.
Sausage of course also 🤗🤗
Well, if I go to the flesh, I want meat. Whether on the piece, chopped or as a slice. Where I have to say, here in the area there is no neutral pork chop, everything is disgustingly spiced. 🤢
who want to hide that the hack is no longer fresh
Bullshit, this is just normal. It’s still fresh, you smell immediately when Hack is no longer good, you can’t wipe it away.
I can’t start with you, you don’t treat me decent. Where one lives isn’t a secret. I didn’t ask for your address. Did you also write that I live in Bavaria and you believe it or not I was in Hesse!???? Don’t pay, USA was more interesting.
I’m not hostile, it’s just you. Come out of Bavaria, then you don’t just culinately expand your horizon.
Oh, my God, I’m not coming and I’m buying pigs. I’m interested only in which area of Germany you can buy spiced hack. not so hostile.
No, pig chop. Where I live is none of your business.
Tatar is sold unworn.
Where is it? You think Tatar
It’s so common here, not elsewhere. I know it differently from home.
so you can understand
Where did I write that I live in Bavaria?
have never seen seasoned minced meat in Bavaria.
Bovine heart, occasionally also liver. And fresh sausage for breakfast rolls.
Stock 14
Everything that exists with my organic butcher and what we’re looking for.
thank you, remember that I must make the order