Umfrage: War ein Arzt schonmal unfreundlich/unhöflich zu euch?

Egal, ob Allgemeinarzt oder Facharzt. Ist es euch schonmal passiert, dass er sich euch gegenüber absolut unfreundlich/unhöflich verhalten hat? Bitte abstimmen, ob ihr den Arzt deswegen gewechselt habt.

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2 years ago

It was the orthopaedic who used an artificial knee joint to my mother.

During the operation, the OP team forgot an OP cloth in the wound. My mother’s knee stayed for months. We always went to this orthopedic, he found nothing.

After my mother had received fever, a beginning sepsis was detected, he suddenly found this OP cloth in the still causing wound.

After we got out of the treatment room, I said to my mother, “they have made quite a mess.”

When we were already on the way to the car, the doctor ran after us, yelled at me that I would not have to say something like that in his practice before other patients.

I was so shocked by his behavior that I didn’t get a single word. I was just baff.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ramboline

What an idiot. Can the others know what he was doing?

2 years ago
Reply to  LittleCoon

Patients mean money, fewer patients means less money.

But you’re right.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ramboline

Oh, my God!

I’d be freaked out, right!

2 years ago

It’s his problem. ;

2 years ago

When I was 11. I didn’t change the woman from school, but I just had to go to her once.
I made voltige (Turns on the horse) and was also very thin. She meant I should be so thin and light because the horse can’t carry me.
On the one hand, this was common because I felt too thin and, on the other hand, it was very degrading because even not thin people can easily volute.
And the best thing was that after that when I hated her, my mother tried to persuade me to vaccinate cervical cancer. 11. Did not make it!

2 years ago

We were there once, never again.

I used to be (with my mother, I was about 17) at the dentist. There was no treatment – even if this had been urgently needed, but I do not want to go too far.

Anyway, we were there for a single, very specific thing. I was examined. And then I’m given information I never asked about. I even think we made it very clear that we were there only because of this one thing. I don’t know, I found that very… overwhelming.

Then he had said anything – I don’t know what – and I had to cry for fear. I have a very strong fear of dentist visits, syringes, physical pain, control loss and almost everything that somehow has something to do with operations. Of course he couldn’t know that, but on the basis of my strong crying and my refusal (let’s say this: that wouldn’t be a quick surgery) one had at least seen that I really had panic.

But he was quite insensitive and said something like “yes, that’s what it is, either do with or not” (somehow, it’s been 7 years ago).

I realize that not every dentist knows about anxiety patients, but you should at least recognize them… right?

Well, that didn’t help the whole thing. I do not want to go into this. I’m really scared of splashing, but I can still talk to them about my worst experience. But with things that have to do with teeth/the dentist – there not. You can only imagine that if you know how much I’m going to get out with syringes.

On the other hand, it may not be described as “absolute” unfriendly, even if it felt that way for me.

There’s one thing left – but it’s more of my mother and less of me. At that time I was between 3 and 8. My mother had been looking for a diagnosis for me for several years. Not because she wanted to have them, but because I really developed differently (slower) than other children at my age.

Once a child psychiatrist/children’s neurologist then meant something like that my behavior would lie to her education. She showed him the bird and we were there once and never again.

A psychiatrist specializing in autism then, when I was 9/10, diagnosed me with the autism-spectrum posture, but that was really the height.

2 years ago

In the hospital, I was screaming an oncologist in a post-examination, he has come together in a regular manner, just because I was kind and unquestioning for a PET CT, a very expensive imaging examination asked . I have never experienced such a behavior before and after and hopefully remains the only bad doctor experience. He was the chief physician who had been added to this question by my oncologist. I stayed with this oncologist for another 1 year, then changed because I was afraid that this terrible doctor would again be asked to answer a question.

2 years ago

A sensed majority of all doctors is extremely unfriendly in today’s time. Some even scream. Experienced it a few times. 50 years ago, doctors were really the same as doctors should be in general.

2 years ago
Reply to  Torrnado

Experienced twice personally: once a general practitioner and once an ophthalmologist.

1 year ago
Reply to  Niemandmann

Why are doctors very unfriendly nowadays?

8 months ago
Reply to  JungerKind

They’re ice-cold businessmen, not anymore. LG

2 years ago

It was with me too.

1 year ago

Yes. According to my experience, the members of this profession are often an unhealthy, humane and arrogant pack.

1 year ago

My pediatrician used to treat me like shit because of my overweight. I changed the doctor, but still fear to go to the doctor.

1 month ago

Absolutely rude, but he didn’t care that I had pain and he didn’t give me any pain tablets.

2 years ago

A former nurse in my late youth, she was in the military before and so she also treated her patients.

2 years ago

Yeah, but sometimes I can understand if they have a lot to do. But it shouldn’t happen often, otherwise I would probably not go there anymore

2 years ago

No so far

1 year ago

My nursing physician has taken away blood under pain and panic (have a syringe phobia). Against my will. I was 17. I’m still here, but try to avoid going to her.

Another time, my syringe phobia was completely ignored and made simple at the company’s doctor, they didn’t even know the term phobia…

2 years ago

I’ve met several doctors who were totally impossible and arrogant. Mostly, the hospital doctors were, because you can’t change the doctor so easily. Once a family doctor was totally impossible to me, but that was normal. It was like that to all patients. After several people had complained about him at the Medical Chamber and he had got trouble, he then changed his behavior.

2 years ago

above all they were not helpful and then even more

You don’t need that!

2 years ago

Had a bad mood, come on.

2 years ago

The receptionist did on the phone as if I had already called quite often before – although I did not call for at least weeks the spell came

What is it now?

2 years ago

No. Previously

2 years ago

I would like to have changed the doctor, but there was no near where new patients accepted🤷🏽 ♀️

2 years ago

Yeah, he didn’t get well with women. He was the same to other women. Luckily, he’s retired now.

2 years ago


2 years ago

A doctor has never been unfriendly to me.

comment image

7 months ago
Reply to  ManuViernheim

I’ve got a chronic pain disease and I’m not going to doctors.

I have doctors to whom I trust:

But there were also doctors who are generally aggressive.

I’m going to give it a good contrast.

But more can’t do: As a cash patient, the doctor gets his money anyway.

2 years ago

I changed the ophthalmologist. He literally told me I was stupid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Geisterstunde


1 month ago

an unfriendly doctor abroad, but that was just one in the doctor’s house…my doctor was on vacation

and the other was a specialist I didn’t need any more… well, everything wasn’t bad, but two things were already

2 years ago

Everywhere you can meet friendly and unfriendly people.