Umfrage: Siehst du Cholesterin kritisch?
Ich bin der meinung dass es heutzutage einen massiven gesundheitswahn gibt! Früher hat man alles gegessen was einem schmeckt und niemand wurde davon totkrank! Heute soll man am liebsten nur noch obst und gemüse essen, leute fragen bei jeder sache die auch nur ein bisschen ungesund ist ob sie es essen sollen oder sie davon…
Hey vorab ich bin 19… Ich arbeite an der Tankstelle und sehe halt wie viele Leute E Zigaretten kaufen und mich reizt halt einfach wie der Geschmack ist. Habe vor vielen Jahren mal an einer angeblichen Zigarette gezogen mit Kirsch Geschmack und fands schrecklich. Von meinen Freunden raucht niemand, aber ich würde eben schon gerne…
Also es gibt ja viele Sachen die man dagegen essen kann aber davon hab ich leider nur Karotten und Knoblauch da. Und für sowas “unwichtiges” findet mein Vater es nicht nötig einzukaufen. Reicht es schon wenn ich nur die 2 Sachen täglich zu mir nehme?
… so you can also look here in my old post.
It always depends. Ldl is divided into 7 subfractions (by density). 1 and 2 are good for the body and the rest rather bad.
Higher risk for the development of coronary heart disease:
Low risk for developing coronary heart disease:
The LDL overall value is not of great importance.
More commonly, for exampleOxidative stress, inflammation, glycation, sugar, insulin resistance, food allergies or stress critical because this can lead to an oxidation of LDL. As a result, it will not be absorbed again by the receptors of the liver and amazes itself in the blood.
So a high LDL cholesterol value is not necessarily bad and in some cases can even be good. There are studies that show that cholesterol is not binding with the mortality of a person.
The hospitals, cardiological departments, are full of people who ignored this issue or have not taken it seriously. Live the ” fast food”, also called “comida de chatarra”: scrap meal times. I mean, for my part, that one should consider this issue quite critical.
Right! I think you chose the survey but incorrectly 😉
Thanks for the correction. That’s a bit too deep. (Small phone keypad…)
Of course, too high is not good but because of today’s fast unhealthy diet almost everyone suffers from it. Whether for food or for juice, Cola, energys and something. It is not so unusual
Not only today. We Germans have been eating too much pork for decades.
Yeah, with more and more going away from the pig, I have the impression.
I think pork was also the cheapest meat, which is why so much of it was eaten in all the versions.
In today’s time, more emphasis is placed on enlightenment. Not at that time, you couldn’t.
The cholesterol is a fairy tale.
Then tell me the fairy tale. I’m very excited.
Did you read it? You’re consulting resistant, please. Let’s see what fits when you face a doctor who tells you that you have high blood pressure or even a heart attack because you are fattened.
No, it’s a fairy tale
Read it?
An extract from the PDF:
In this study, it is about how much intake of cholesterol is risky. It is not discussed how dangerous cholesterol is in high doses. The cholesterol in masses are totally harmful for a long time is fact.