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Hi Poppedelfoppe, 🙂
I don’t think this is a reason to sound:
You can also politely present a complaint. 😉
McDonald’s always has so much to do:
Conscious that errors occur in order intake or preparation!
Greetings from tanzella 😃💐
Thank you for the star. ⭐
I’m very happy. Love greetings
You’re the best! 🤣
I’ve grown up a long time.
We always check if everything’s in place. If not, we talk to one of the employees: inside. It has never been a matter of getting the missing goods.
Loud is clearly below my level, I complain politely and not louder than necessary for understanding. I’ll make the staff cheeky up and finish.
It was funny that I was considered a “tester” for a long time in a mosquito and always got fresh, well-stocked burgers, friendly service, the table was wiped fresh and the dog had a salad bowl with water:D
First of all, I hardly go there a year, and secondly, I am not going to be loud in other shops too, and do not turn through!
In peace lies the force…
No. You give it back and it is exchanged or you just get the missing part. Sometimes you have to discuss a little bit, because there can hardly be one more German, but then the ladder comes and is good.
I wasn’t completely crazy, but I threw the voucher over the counter they didn’t want to accept.
A few weeks later another cheeky operation (“Sorry, not my problem that nobody is at the cafe counter”). That was my last visit to McDonald’s, it’s been a few years ago.
no, why turn through? I’ve often been mistaken or forgotten. Unfortunately, this is not so good in my case, because I cannot eat the most of Mcces because of meat. But that’s why I always look right into the bag on the spot and if what’s wrong, I’ll say it right away. They’ve always been nice.
Sometimes I even got “reimbursement gifts”. But I always remained nice and got the kindness back accordingly. Errors are happening.
One time, something was done wrong three times in a row (within every time and meant that unfortunately this is still not true), but even there I remained calm. Sure, you might think that way within, okay, please do it right now, you’re hungry, but why should you leave it to the staff? You have enough stress. Don’t want to know what’s going on for Weirdos every day.
Yes in Berlin before a departure to Central Station, 4 Cheesburger ordered without cucumbers, and M Pommes, had waited for so long.
And could miss my train,I was very loud to the checkout,after the long wait times I wanted to cancel and bollock money.The person did not want to pay it back.
I threw the bag completely on my head and on the feet of cashiers, a nice man behind me pulled me to rest, he paid me the money, but he used the order as a weapon:)
They clearly forgot my order or sold that I didn’t like it, that’s what happened, return to Hamburg, and that’s good too.
No police,no more annoying,Weil quickly got off to the track and got in,and continue to drive.
They were so mean to me in Mc Doof in Hbf-Berlin.They didn’t want to pay my money back, they saw everything real ROT, throwing it on their heads to two employees and that was a hit.
I have complained more often, but in normal tone, as the complaint was accepted without murmurs and I have received new goods.
If my complaint had not been dealt with, I would have tried again, maybe a little more energetic.
Even if the merchandise is not according to my wish, I will not turn out loud or twist. I give it politely and ask for correction.
That’s what I do everywhere, not just at MC Donalds.
No, never. Everyone should be aware that he can normally talk to the service if something is missing or cold.
But if the guest gets loud and turns through, he might lack something. In the colonel.
The FS is probably the guest.
Sure. 😉
I had the most likely experience in switching to the screens. I was overwhelmed and it wasn’t self-explaining for me and waited pointlessly without anything happening. I think this has happened to me a second time, but now I know how it works.
No never usually fits everything and if not I tell them .Thes have enough stress..lg
Those who do this should work hard on themselves or seek help. First of all, you get everything wrong or missing without discussion replaced. It’s like it’s never going through mistakes. calibre
The last time I was in the 1980s because it was new, no. And if someone makes a mistake somewhere in the gastronomy, you don’t have to shout around. I was just pampering a penetrant asked “Wolln Se Beekn?”
I asked five times what she wanted? It should be called “Bacon” and then I spoke very loudly:
“Well, I just thought that you’d like to speak German, because I placed my order in German, too. But as I see that you prefer english vocabularies, I will respond in your preferred language: no, I don’t want any bacon.”
They all gaze behind the counter like “haeaea”? But it was better than McDoof, because they serve only body injury instead of food.
But also very rarely go to Megges
Neee, it’s totally unpleasant, so you can even settle for reason.
It’s just simple employees who can make mistakes.
No, I’m not that lost. Can’t happen. 😀
“Turn through” because of a fast food order? No, I don’t. If you’re so under control, you should stay at home and grow up first.
A fast food order is almost as far as possible on the scale of the importance of life.
If something doesn’t work perfectly, you can ask. Everyone makes mistakes.
If you’re serious about the question, you’d have to optimize your self-control and way of dealing.
This does not reach as much as with courtesy. Sometimes I even get a decompensationsburger, because I kindly addressed it. Otherwise, they will be thriveed by the others.
No. I care for a respectful and polite approach. We’re all people and each of us has forgotten something…
and if I fail because my McEckel order is missing, I really have a huge problem 😀
because something is wrong, but no solution anyway. You can also say kindly that a mistake is underway, no matter where.
Absolutely ridiculous who loses control and attracts people who just make their job there
I’ve never been crazy, and that’s ridiculous because of such a failure.
I never go there.
No, absolutely not.
I’m not gonna be noisy about that. Because I’m a friendly person.
I would exchange the cold drink or say something is missing. We’re all human beings and something can happen.
I can behave. A calm complaint brings more.
Lan the seller just gave apple bag instead of chic nuggits at Drive In was already loud
I’m not a psychopath. It’s not a reason.
Hi, poppe.
This has never happened to me, and I’m going too little to MCDONALD’S.
And once I was there, I had no complaints yet.
Greetings, Renate.
No chill! I always say that! Court of Justice
Couldn’t fit me.
No, I’m old enough I know that yelling around.
About Anna
no matter where – this is no reason to flee.
You don’t have to turn it through or get it loud. It is pointed out in a polite tone and will get the desired with some certainty.
You suffer quietly 😭
first, I don’t go to those burgers and I still know how to behave,
Disgusting hat.
was never there
Nö – because I avoid these shops more than the devil the holy water.
If that’s the case, I’ve reported it quietly.
Even if I had stayed calm.
I’m not going to such a fucking store.