Umfrage- Nerven euch generell Stadttauben?


ich würde gerne wissen, ob euch generell Stadttauben nerven würden oder nicht (sowohl für die GF-User/innen die in der Stadt, Großstadt leben, als auch die, die im Dorf bzw. am Land wohnen und hauptsächlich beruflich als auch gelegentlich für eine Shoppingtour bzw. für andere private Erledigungen, Freizeitaktivitäten in die Stadt, Großstadt hineinfahren)?

PS: Bitte keine Troll-, Spaßbeiträge!

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1 year ago

Not in the least. I find it a lot more annoying when others find it annoying. The city pigeons can also do nothing to ensure that we are people – not everyone, of course, but enough – often bi-legged environments. Of course, pigeons – just like any other animal – go the easiest way to feed and this is now where many people are. We humans don’t go to the forest with arrows and bows and surrender our rabbits there. We go to the supermarket or order our food.

What annoys me are people who feed pigeons (and birds in general) with bread and the same. This is unnecessary and unhealthy for the birds. I also find it stupid to give the pigeons unnecessarily a terror. Last time I saw a couple of teenagers… put some pizza carts open around with pizzas. Of course, the pigeons have sneaked. It’s really not nice to see what a bad diet they have. The city pigeons, of course.

I’ve never been bitten by a pigeon. If you take it carefully, it’s their territory.

Of course, you don’t have to stroke them or so – I don’t do – but a general basic inspection should just be present. I like city pigeons. Her gurrene, her built-in navigation system, her intelligence, her dazzling neck feathers, the many variations in which they come … I go slower and more cautious when I see the pigeons on my way and sometimes I greet them.

The whole thing reminds me of the European stars in the USA/America. They are also not liked by many, but one imagines that one will be dragged against his will into another continent where one knows zero. It is clear that it is necessary to become quite “aggressive” and to displace native species. It’s sad, but animals have a very high level of survival.

And one cannot justify the killing of individuals of a species, that there are so many of them. Because a) makes sure that there are no more so many of them (aka. threatened by extinction) and b) there are also many people in the world and yet the argument in court will not help you if you have to answer for murder.

In principle, we must bathe out the wrong decisions of our ancestors long after. That’s how it is. We can only learn from it.

1 year ago

I actually find them very nice to look at when they all fly away or walk close to one, somehow they belong to the city, like the gulls to the water.

1 year ago

I don’t like the city pigeons, and I’m already a bit annoyed by them.

Especially the whole health-prone cot they distribute everywhere, I find extremely disgusting.

1 year ago

They do not annoy me, but can be problematic for various reasons and often have great problems.

I am a supporter of pigeon programmes where the animals are monitored, they are offered brooding places (taubenschläge) and the population size is kept small, but they retain a place in the cities as a cultural heritage.

1 year ago

You’re my friends. Have already caught several real now

1 year ago

I always had one for bathing and drinking on the balcony in the summer. I’m fine.

1 year ago

I find her gurrene somehow soothing 🙂

1 year ago

No, why should they. Because they’re making dirt? That’s how life is, we’re doing a lot more shit.

1 year ago

Somehow they belong to the cityscape for me!

1 year ago

Pigeons go away as soon as you move they have no interest in cuddling

1 year ago

However, I am not affected by this, or I have no own problem with pigeons.

If something annoys me, it is more people who feed pigeons from misunderstood animal love and thus manifest their suffering rather.

1 year ago

With us there are already some pigeons which are probably fed again and again. I like to watch them as they are now available in really great colour variations. I have no problem with the birds.

1 year ago

The pigeons are now really the least problem in my city center…

1 year ago

City pigeons are the most tasty animals at all. They eat me out of their hands. I wish all the animals were so suspicious.

1 year ago

I’m so neutral to you. You’re part of the cityscape, but I don’t care.

1 year ago

No way. What annoys me when some people feed pigeons

1 year ago

Besides mosquitoes, I don’t really care about animals.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosswurscht

No ticks?

1 year ago
Reply to  Nobodyrotz

I had the last 35 years ago. So the nerves are rather rare…