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I have regular contact with my friends, my sister and my colleagues about WhatsApp.
You can send messages quickly.
Otherwise, I also like to phone, that’s a bit more personal.
For short notifications, especially in the week where you have little spare time anyway, WhatsApp offers.
That would have to be four or five – just my closest and best friends, which I already know very long. The contact never tears off or is continuous – one is always writing and is also more often on the phone. I think it’s really nice…
Hello poppedelfoppe!
I limit this intentionally I don’t like hanging on the phone often
I often turn it off, even on the way
Good evening
Since I don’t have a WhatsApp, my mates only remain email, SMS or a direct call.
In addition, I have a mailbox for real mail and a door for visits.
The 5 communication channels are enough for me.
I’m probably like most others who chose this option. This is often the case with young or men.
At least I have regular contact with these people, but there are also several with irregular contact.
because confidential conversations between friends are not going to happen.
What does that have to do with it?
::: shall be?