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Sometimes you just have to let everything out. This is urgently necessary in rare moments and can also help
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No so long
LG ❦
Yeah, that was usually the case when I cried really hard and long. The eyes always burn when crying and you get really tired and exhausted.
Sometimes I just get too much, but my parents just don’t understand.
Even now, where my grandma has died and I have crumbled with a few friends I often weep until that hurts my eyes
Thank you for your answer and my condolences
Maybe, but I don’t remember when I cried the last time.
Yeah, but it’s been many years.
Yeah, that’s happened to me a few times when, for example, I got pretty hurt, etc.
I feel with…
I’ve had this in my life many times, with a headache and swollen eyes, which had to be chilled first, as well as clogged nose, all from crying. I was so tired of crying, but could not find any rest, the pain was too deep.
There are now situations in life such as the death of a loved one or other experiences where one cannot otherwise cry as very strong. That one is very exhausted after that is completely normal.
Yes 1x
No, not that
Hey, 7veren,
yes, I had that
LG, Pizza80
More often.
Not only did my eyes hurt, I also had head and chest pain.
I think a lot of people had it someday you have to let everything out
Yes, I have.😢🙃
LG Maike
Assalāmu aleykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh my best,
Yes, I’m sorry, it happened several times…
why under JEDER question the reference to Islam?
Because the questioner is also Muslim and we prefer to talk to each other
Sure. Some things were very painful.
Has happened more often
Surely as a child.
is already a couple months ago. sadly trusted the wrong people, but you learn from mistakes.
I cried more often than a child, but then caught me relatively quickly.
Very often…
often before
Yeah, I’m afraid it’s been a lot late. Maybe have depression, no idea 🤷 ♂️.
Wine has nothing to do with depression.