Umfrage : habt ihr schonmal bekannte Musiker kennengelernt?
bei sehr vielen kleineren Konzerten ist es ja so, daß die Bandmitglieder nach dem Konzert keine ” Berührungsängste ” mit ihren Fans haben und Autogramme geben, Smalltalk oder Fotos mit den Fans machen lassen ( z.B. Selfie ). habt ihr mal einen – oder mehere – bekannte Musiker einer Band vor oder nach dem Konzert kurz kennengelernt ? wenn ja, wen ?
I have met the singer of Staubkind several times and the guitarist. He brought a friend and me some cake after the concert, as the the hard fans might have looked at
I’ve met the singer of fornication more often and we understand each other well.
The Tiger Lillies, with the legends Adrian Stout and of course Martyn Jacques!
They are not really big bands, but rather rock’n’roll co-federation, but didn’t seem to be unknown, in any case after the concert I talked to them
Robin Schulz, Milky Chance, Cro and Apache 207
There were some small bands where I did my training. There was also a small test tape called Baku. After the concert, the musicians sold some albums they signed. This was the time 1991 / 1992
Yes, but for professional reasons. Tokyo Hotel. Prince p, ssio, just to name a few
With the singer of The Neon Judegement standing at the counter and brazed, with the musicians of Front 242 while breaking a few minutes.
Otherwise several years worked with/for Guildo Horn (Rocky Horror Show in Hagen) and therefore had a lot of contact with him. For rough cuts, I’ve overtaken the ancient dry ice-cream machines and I’ve been talking to people on stage here and there.
All in all nix special. They’re just people.
I honestly don’t really care!
yes, Joan Osborne, signed me a CD.
Gregor meyle. A cool dude
Around 2000 I used to work for a concert organizer, there were already a few and with some I even talked a few sentences or was plucked for something.
But the years are quite nebulös😉
The singer after this performance on the ferry.
I’ve met a lot of musicians, but I can’t really remember everyone.
also someone from AC/DC?
No, just a few meters from Angus and Brian.
and who?
An instrumental artist from Ukraine who performs the originals so well that I prefer to hear their cover versions… She’s known but not known enough…
Tom Astor (flieg young Adler😂) once sat with me in Pullman City at the bar. Were told to me the next day,have forever spoken to U not realized😂
Funny treasure,seevery funny
Or 😉
The similarity is not overlooked 🤣🤣
Amy MacDonald, I have seen at Galeria Kaufhof Bremen, spoken, laughed and an autograph dusted from her 😉