Umfrage : habt ihr Kaffee schonmal mit etwas ” verfeinert “?
die Frage richtet sich logischerweise nur an Kaffeetrinker. Bitte abstimmen, mit was ihr euren Kaffee schonmal verfeinert habt. Zusatzfrage : macht ihr es immer noch ?
die Frage richtet sich logischerweise nur an Kaffeetrinker. Bitte abstimmen, mit was ihr euren Kaffee schonmal verfeinert habt. Zusatzfrage : macht ihr es immer noch ?
Danke für jede Antwort im Voraus
Ich möchte mal Wissen was passiert mit unserem Körper wenn man mit 23 Jahren viel trinkt
Wo kann man in Chemnitz umsonst oder günstig essen? Wo können bedürftige in Chemnitz günstig essen gehen??
With whiskey and cream (or simply: Irish Coffee).
But rarely drink it. Mostly in winter.
What I once tried are the following mixtures:
Coffee with chocolate (not special)
with coconut (was quite sweet)
With Ginseng (No, was not good)
With vanilla (also not special)
and with avocado (especially but not my taste).
That was when I was my friend and I was on a coffee plantation in Bali.
Hey, thanks for the star
If I notice that I get a rough neck, I’ll put some capsules of cardamom in the cup and let a little pull. That disinfects something.
It depends on the coffee. Some coffees are finer with vanilla sugar, others are more damaging.
As sugar I usually take crumb candy, or brown sugar/pipe sugar.
I love chocolate syrup & chili. Especially the latter makes coffee really taste exotic.
And vanilla/caramel syrup.
With a hint of cocoa, I feel more often.
With a pinch of cinnamon is also very delicious.
A trace of nutmeg also fits.
Pepper is not to be despised either.
I had a spice mix for coffee. She was very tasty, but I don’t know what was in there. Carnations, cinnamon and pepper in any case, but there were more ingredients.
So tasty and apart such ingredients are also: they make themselves tastefully noticeable, and that doesn’t always suit what you want to eat for coffee. For a cup of coffee “pur” it can be very good, but for example for breakfast I prefer my coffee classic.
Ha, in a good household comes nix away: just look at the spices and I actually have the tube with this coffee season in another way in use. And so the label with the original ingredients is still available. There was: cardamom, cinnamon, Muscat, Piment, Nelke, Bourbon Vanilla and Pepper.
With a shot of Bailey and cream.
I only take 10% cream as a refinement. Oppa was the harder core : his saying “A coffee with milk ? .. is for a knilch ! ” In a coffee belongs a cognac as a pacemaker. And what other “Jakob’s coronation” was the summit for him.
Chocolate syrup. I really recommend.
I always drink it that way. Kabakaffee. 😀
With sweetener instead of sugar and without coffee cream naturally, black and hot it must be.
a little saffron in it! then the coffee tastes a floral touch. very exotic and delicious!!! 🙂
As Caffè Corretto with Grappa.
Sambuca is not bad either!
Tastes 😋