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I love salmon and you?
I’m generally not the big fish fan. I have to have a lot of appetite. But salmon really doesn’t taste me.
If then I like “white” fish. As I said, I have to have an appetite, but then a really fresh matjes or “Scholle Finkenwerder Art” is actually something fine. But salmon no.
Fried as well as raw.
Lg xWizardx
I generally don’t like fish or other seafood, as a child, I refused. I don’t touch this, the smell alone is disgusting to me. I prefer decent meat 🙂
It depends on how he is prepared.
Yes, I like to eat salmon.☺️😉
LG Maike
I LOVE LAUGHS. Smoked salmon on rolls 🤌🏻😍
No fish, no seafood.
Although salmon looks really good.
yes – I like to eat salmon. And that in all possible forms: hot, cold smoked, streak, tranches, fillet…
I don’t like fish in general
When I eat fish, I’d love to. Today only as a vegetarian variant.
Very happy
I’m not eating.
No, I don’t like to eat salmon.
I only eat salmon once, not mine.
Fish is healthy:-)!
The fish in itself Yes.
But I prefer it fresh to fry and not really smoked.