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I put bee engraving myself, so I can determine the ingredients myself.
Have already made many variations, the classic of foliage pastry has been too complicated to me so far, therefore the pudding variant.
No bee rupture 🙂
Sometimes cheesecake or much too rare juicy chocolate cake:(
Thank you for your answer
Cooled vanilla pudding was lifted under the beaten cream.
2 parts by weight cream on 3 parts pudding….
Thank you for your answer
When I had eaten the cream cakes of C&W for the first time, I had to find that they taste much better than my mother’s butter cream cakes! =>
I prefer bee engraving with pudding cream.
I don’t like cream anyway.
I don’t like a bite.
Thank you for your answer
Have a bee allergy
I often get bad with cream. And nothing goes about delicious pudding 😋
I could put myself in cream.
Sympathetic to me also gets bad 😂🤍
With cream, he’s always too much to me because cream doesn’t really like.
Pudding has more taste and is easier in the stomach.
Just like it with cream.
It then tastes easier even if it is of course a fat calorie bomb.
Best butter cream – very thick.😋
I don’t like both soo
I love bee engraving!
with pudding it tastes a bit more intense, pure cream is too taste-neutral in this case, LG. 🙂
I know it funny only with cream
I didn’t know it could be made with cream. That’s not a good mix.
The cream alone makes the soft and soft and fluffy of this cake. With pudding, the whole looks very plump and greasy and firm.
Assalamu aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ukthi,
I have never tasted bees and do not know how it tastes, neither with cream nor pudding
You miss something.
Didn’t know that this is also made with pudding, but can’t imagine that this is better than with cream. It fits so think better with the glaze and so. And what do you like more?
Besides, a couple of weeks ago, I got into my head why it’s actually called binenstich because the bee can only bite.
I heard the following anecdote the other day: it was about two towns, the one was denied the permission to take in customs by the way, the other was granted this permission, which is why the villages were sworn together.
Then the now less-favoured village decided to attack the other city and left in the morning grays to attack and attack the enemy city.
This was noticed by two baker apprentices who were on the city wall in the morning grey to plunder beeesters for honey.
These are supposed to be thrown away the pussy attackers with the nests and thus have fled into the gorge.
And then, in order to celebrate this heroic deed, it is said that this cake was in the place.
Is it true? I don’t know. But this is the anecdote…
The beeman (thousand) may be unnoticed –
the female bees stand very well – billions of people have already felt this – but maybe you live somewhere where there are bees without spikes.
I don’t like puppies, etc. fortunately when it comes to stealing.
I don’t know about bees. But puppies are very good without reason. There were enough cases.
Puppies and hornets are honorless and heads and disassemble bees. Also infest their nests.
They are not stabbed without reason – they have threatened/ attacked the animals by their behaviour.
A bee isn’t that stupid and reckless to die about it.
Puppies (including hornets) do not stand without reason – on the contrary they are peaceful as long as they are left alone.
You just said millions of people can feel it and have already heard it from others and seen how they were stabbed for no reason by wasps. I’ll throw them away, and they’ll fuck out. That the then no longer disappears from aggressiveness is a myth and rather when you remain silent it is dangerous.
Neither bees nor wasps go on people to steal them.
I make the filling with cream into which I stir the pudding powder, because cream alone is not solid enough. Then it’ll be a hammer tastefully!
My favorite of both
I like to eat both varieties, but with pudding has a small lead.
Good morning, with pudding tastes best, love greeting
Same to both.
If so, because already.
None of both
It’s good.
So it belongs
tastes simple creamier than with cream
Butter cream
It’s just super-lecker
With vanilla pudding by Dr. Oetker.
With cream pudding 🤤
Only cream is bissl fade , must be creamy all, with neat taste 👅