Umfrage an Tanten und Onkel – in den Augen der Eltern, sind Kinder ja immer Kinder und nie wirklich Erwachsen?
Sehen es Tanten und Onkel bei den Neffen und Nichten auch so? Also, dass euch eure Nichten und Neffen immer noch wie Kinder vorkommen, obwohl sie Erwachsen sind?
Mir ist die Frage vor paar Tagen in den Sinn gekommen und hatte auch tatsächlich meine Tante gefragt.
Sie sagte mir, dass es so sei, wie bei den Eltern und dass sie mich nicht wirklich wie Erwachsen sieht.
Parents will always stay, even if I go home with 43 years after a visit to my mother, she asks things like: “Do you have enough to eat with?”
As an aunt you usually don’t see the children all the time. Surely it depends on how close you live together.
I see my family once a year and then, of course, there are clear jumps that you perceive
I see my own children, nieces, nephews and also my grandchild (21) as adults.
There is no reason not to do that.
So my nephew is three years old in twelve days and my niece is two years old in February, insha’Allah. They are still children 🙂
That’s bullshit. Of course, it always remains your own children. They grow up anyway.
Everything else is a disturbed parent-child relationship that certainly also occurs, but not the normal case.
My nephew is 9 years younger than me (in 41 J.) ! Earlier he was not a child, but he hasn’t been that for a long time. I like him, he lives with us too.
This depends on their maturity – some will never really grow up.
Say, how can some eigrnmich respond to polls even though they have not voted? With me the answer button is so light blue transparent. Only when I have logged in a selection option can I comment normally.
I’ve seen this more often:D. But also from people who generally have a low level now.
You click on “Add Startup” then you can write an answer without voting 😉
No one has to be ripe or behave in such a way, for that it is too short;-)
I can’t say they’re 16 and 13. But I guess they stay for me “the children”
The Christmas rule applies to our family anyway:
“You are so long a child until you have children yourself”
For with us only the children receive gifts ^^
Childless, W36, is looking forward to many gifts under the Tannenbaum 😀
Often young people are considered more adult by their aunts and uncles than by their own parents because there is a greater distance. This can be e.g. in certain conversations or joint activities that are not possible with parents.
My nephew is 15. He has generally developed well. I find him pretty mature and grown up for his age.
A good young man.
Why should I never see my adult children grown up???? Is there any such weird parents? That’s toxic.
If they behave grown up, I see them.
I know how fucking it is. I’m sure I won’t help them kill at some point.