Umformulierung der 2 Sätze?
Umformulieren von dem Satz hier:
,,Er versuchte sie abzuhalten, jedoch gelang es ihm ein zweites Mal nicht. Sie meinte entschlossen es sei zu gefährlich um beide reinzulassen.‘‘
Könnte jemand helfen? Bin am verzweifeln ._. Brauche mind. 2 umformulierungen.
1. Although he tried to stop them, he did not succeed again. She remained determined and claimed that it was too dangerous to let them both in.
Two. Despite his efforts to hold them back, he could not stop them for the second time. She decided that it was too dangerous to let them both in.
It is possible to improve these unfortunate sentences. But there are mediocre improvements and successful. I guess you want a successful improvement.
But you need the context. Please let’s read the whole section, which is safe.
He didn’t manage to stop them the second time. “Allowing the past is too dangerous,” she said.
Although he had tried two times to stop them, he did not succeed, as she seemed to be determined that it was too dangerous to let them in.
The attempt to stop them did not succeed him a second time. She was firmly convinced that it is threatening both to let in.
or similar
She was so determined to prevent the two from being let in that he couldn’t stop them for the second time.
Again, he tried in vain to stop them. She said the risk was too high to let both of them in.
He also failed the second time trying to stop them. Convinced, she said it was too risky to let both enter.