Um den Bodensee fahren?
wie im Titel schon angesprochen möchte ich um den Bodensee fahren (mit dem Fahrrad) und frage mich ob man mit einem normalen hardtail Mountainbike ohne Gepäckträger oder mit einem Mountainbike mit Gepäckträger oder etwas komplett anderem um den See fahren.
(Wir wollen mit dem Zelt um den See fahren.)
Ich glaub halt das alles mit einem Rucksack mit zu schleppen ist nicht so geil. Weil das Gepäck ja nicht so leicht ist.
The Lake Constance Cycle Trail absolutely does not claim any terrain. Actually, a trekking wheel is completely sufficient; on the many asphalt kilometers, the rolling resistance of land-grade tires would be quite annoying to me.
But of course you do not buy a new bike for a tour, but you take what you have.
So you can take the MTB here and adjust it by mounting a baggage carrier and easily rolling tires – the reduction of terrain suitability does not arouse on the Lake Constance Trail.
I wouldn’t really want to wear the weight on my back. Your discs should also probably hold for a while! If a baggage carrier was not in question, I would still be as much as possible by bike.
Make sure that the luggage carrier is supported again in the area of the rear wheel hub. The carriers that are only clamped to the saddle support must not carry too much weight. Many hardtails have mounting points for the additional struts of a luggage carrier.
Such a stretch with backpack on the back is no longer funny. You just sweat too much. So a baggage carrier is absolutely necessary.
If you also take saddle bags, you are left. If, then it should be on both sides (or at least on each side of one), otherwise it somehow goes wrong.
We drove with simple backpacks on the luggage racks around the lake, but also slept at the hotel. In itself you can also drive around the lake on a day.
Only for information: at the lake you can not just camp, but you have to go to the campsite.
I find a backpack very impractical during longer tours. You sweat under it and, as you mentioned, you can’t take so much. Best would be two-sided saddle bags. Some have a bag on the top of the luggage rack.
Otherwise, I strongly recommend a bottle holder to you when you drive!
If there is a lot of luggage, a unicycle trailer (BOB Yak) is ideal. Other luggage racks and pack bags.
I used to do this more often, in 1993 even from regensburg to lindau, then around the cape and back home. for me, saddlebags are alternativeless.
Luggage carriers and saddle bags. Or you’ll get a bike trailer.
So not without baggage?
Only in the backpack is a torment, especially when the sun shines. It’s all softened by sweat.