Ultraschallbild 5/6 ssw sind hier Zwillinge zu erkennen?

Hallo ihr Lieben, vielleicht kennt sich wer aus! Ich war hier bei ungefähr 6 ssw, vor einer Woche, meine FA hat Vorsorge gemacht vorher und anschließend nach dem Ultraschall mir nur noch Blut abgenommen auch zwecks Schilddrüse etc. (bisher kam auch keine Meldung, bedeutet alles gut) und nur gemeint dass ich seehr wahrscheinlich schwanger bin, herzlichen Glückwunsch! Rest schaut Sie sich genauer in 4 Wochen wieder an. Es ist mein 3. Schwangerschaft daher ist eben alles so entspannt.

Nun schaut sich meine beste Freundin und meine Mama das Bild und meinen beide gleichzeitig: ach schaut mal, werden es Zwillinge? What??? Was meint ihr? Ich bin natürlich sehr neugierig und mein nächster Termin dauert noch sooo lange 😉 Danke!!!

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1 year ago

I don’t see anything, no fertilized egg. – nothing

In the 6th Week would you see a kind of hollow “blase”, where is it to be seen in the picture?

Women’s doctors are trained to immediately identify multiple pregnancy, these are aspects that are immediately tested.

I always wonder how people come to know that lay people know more in an Internet forum and see more than studied doctors.

Therefore, I ask you to just wait for the next precautionary date and then ask the doctor exactly this question.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lv1993


this looks like the 6th week. Do you clearly see the fruit cave? And now compare your picture? Where are twins?

1 year ago
Reply to  Lv1993

Question: where do you see something in the picture, where is there a fruit cave to see, let alone two??

How can your mother and your girlfriend say that??

In the 6th week you see neither head nor hull nor arms nor legs, only the fruit cave. Where is this?

1 year ago

You got other answers here that are similar. Wait for the next appointment.

1 year ago

So I also see 2 “Blasen” at the bottom, but at that time had informed me and that sometimes happens that this looks like 2. They’re not even the same size. Just wait for the next ultrasound. Congratulations 🎉

1 year ago

I don’t even see a fruit cave, nothing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lv1993

Doesn’t look like a fruit cave.

1 year ago

No, don’t look at it.

Don’t understand how they’re coming.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lv1993

No. Absolutely nothing.

Do you even know what a fruit cave looks like?

1 year ago

Then you should first inquire…