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1 month ago

If your PC only bootes to the BIOS after conversion to UEFI, this is often due to the wrong partition table or BIOS settings.

That’s how you get it:

1. Check if your system can UEFI

Press Windows + R, enter msinfo32 and see “BIOS mode”

Is there Legacy? Then your system is still running in old mode.

Two. Check hard disk partition

Open CMD as an admin and enter:



The column GPT should be a star (*). If not, the plate is still MBR.

3. If MBR: Convert to GPT (only if you don’t have GPT)

Secure data!

Enter in CMD:

mbr2gpt /convert /allowFullOS

Restart PC and activate it in the BIOS UEFI.

4. Set the BIOS

Disable CSM

Enable Secure Boot (if necessary)

Windows Boot Manager as the first boot option

If it still doesn’t work: Start with a Windows USB stick and repair the bootloader.