Überzeugen das mein Vater mir ein Auto kauft?

Hallo Zusammen ich hab mal eine frage

Was würde es für Deals mit dem Vater geben das er mir eine Auto kauft sprich er kauft es mir und ich sage ihm so etwas wie das ich Ihm jeden Monat 200 Franken gebe.

gibt es da noch andere möglichkeiten?

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3 years ago

Sure, you save the 200 francs and buy yourself. You can then use the 200 francs for the maintenance if sufficient.

3 years ago

You tell him that you have already saved half the price and that you deserve so much that you can pay the monthly 200 to your father + all the maintenance costs.

3 years ago

Sali Safir

My parents had little money and we were six. So I saved my first car myself and after that it was completely mine. Of course it was a cheap box, but it was also a car.

With 2,000 francs, however, it is not done. Cars have to be redeemed and the splash and maintenance will then also cost. For this, you get mobile cars from MFK for less than 2000 francs.

Above all, this is enough for a 20-year-old Toyota with more than 200’000 km. You can drive for a long time.

Play: Daihatsu Cuore 1.0 performed with 230’000 km for Fr. 500.-. My divine was able to drive for another 2 1/2 years and then he landed in export.


3 years ago

So I am currently in the same situation 😀

I want a Seat exeo for 8000 € and fight with my dad

I am still in teaching and pay €250 to him every month. Plus he gets 200 € child money through me. So we have agreed that we make half or help more in the house etc. So I’m planning on how to do this. In any case, show him you have a goal in mind. For example, I don’t want to drive a train bus anymore, because the lake are very dirty and contaminated with me and also often have 2 hours driving time:/ By car only half an hour. So I often borrow my dad’s car when he’s on vacation or something. Finding compromise is the keyword

3 years ago

If you’re an adult who deserves 2000€, you don’t have 12000€ on the high edge after 6 months, but it’s worth 1000-1500€. You expect your father to spend his saved money for a car just so you have one?

3 years ago


I don’t know what kind of deal you want to do. If he doesn’t want to buy you a car, he doesn’t have to. And with 200 francs you don’t really get anywhere, or what kind of car you’re driving.

The only thing you can do with him is that you pay him back in rates, but there is no guarantee that he will agree.

MFG Colin

3 years ago

A car is not only expensive to purchase. If you don’t need a car urgently, save until you can pay for purchase and maintenance.

3 years ago

Too bad you have no support from your parents. It happened to me, but I put enough money on the side of the training.
My child will get a passable car… not free, but if she has 2500€ she gets one for 10,000€, for example.

Now it’s just that. Maybe you can finance a car. Ask your bank.

3 years ago

Save yourself. Find a job to finance and pay.

Show your father you do something he gives you something.

I’d be uncomfortable asking my father to buy me a car. He has to work hard for it.

3 years ago

Why should Papi buy you a car??

on loan – leasing would be possibilities.

3 years ago
Reply to  peterobm

No leasing for beginners

3 years ago

Right, it just came later.

3 years ago

Why don’t you take a loan?