überweisungsschein was bedeutet das?
Hallo, ich habe eine Frage. Mein Freund hat heute beim HNO-Arzt einen Überweisungsschein bekommen. Er konnte nicht so gut Deutsch, deswegen hat er nicht vieles verstanden. Meine Frage lautet: Was bedeutet die Abklärung der Indikation? Tonsillektomie und Adenotomie. Leider bin ich kein Arzt. Weiß irgendjemand, was das bedeutet, muss er operiert werden? Ich würde mich freuen, wenn mir irgendjemand helfen würde. Vielen Dank.
Transfer note: confirmation that this doctor will send you to another specialist. So he’ll put it at the reception when he goes to the specialist.
Explaining the indication: It should be examined whether the treatment proposed by the doctor is really the right one.
Tonsillectomy: removal of the palate.
Adenectomy: Something similar is also removed in the vicinity of the palate mandules. The reason for the removal can be hearing problems or respiratory problems. It should therefore be clarified whether there is something to be removed to resolve these problems.
Thank you. This will then be decided by the doctor. He’d like to remove the almonds. If the doctor should consider it differently, he will go to the other hospital because he takes antibiotics every 3 months.
Adenotomie/tonsilectomy is the removal of almonds, simply said.
Explaining the indication means that it should be clarified whether the almonds have to get out or not.
Thank you. This will then decide the doctor (hospital) he would like to remove the needles because he gets ale 3 months an antibiotic
Your friend has been transferred to another doctor. He will be further investigated there. No person can know in advance what result and what further procedure this investigation will have.
Thank you very much. He takes antibiotics every 3 months.