Übertreibt meine Mutter?


meine Mutter und ich haben zurzeit einen Streit. Es hat damit angefangen das ich Hausaufgaben machen sollte, ich aber in dem Moment lieber rauswollte. Außerdem hätte ich wenn ich rausgegangen wäre noch genug Zeit für die Hausaufgaben gehabt. Damit hat der Streit eigentlich angefangen.

Jetzt ist es aber soweit gekommen, dass meine Mutter mein Handy für jeden Tag gesperrt hat, weil ich meine Zimmertür nicht aufgeschlossen habe. Außerdem habe ich für YouTube nur noch eine Minute pro Tag (auf meinem IPad). Das IPad kann ich noch benutzen weil es ein Schulipad ist. Aber für YouTube habe ich hier nur noch eine Minute.

Übertreibt meine Mutter?

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5 months ago

No, your mother doesn’t exaggerate.

Besides, your mother’s still seeing you. It’s called education.

Be glad you have a mother who still raises you and who cares for you. This is no longer self-evident because many parents themselves have not been educated and have everything looped and only live according to the principle of pleasure.

Listen to your mother, she knows why she does it even if you don’t understand it yet. It has all its meaning.

There was a saying: First work, then pleasure.

So first the homework and then go out and have fun.

5 months ago

Follow the rule: First the duty, then the pleasure.

With this rule you get better through life than if you put your pleasure in the first place.

5 months ago

It started to do my homework, but I wanted to get out at the moment

Basically, I think it’s great that you want to get out of the fresh air – ABER doesn’t mean for free: only work then the pleasure. I guess it happened more often that you didn’t do the homework any more.

Now it has come to such an extent that my mother locked my phone for every day because I didn’t open my room door.

you have a defiant child’s behavior – and now you have to live with the consequences.

I also only have one minute a day for YouTube (on my IPad).

also this is a wink with the fence pile rather not to be jacky to the mother. it doesn’t matter.

5 months ago

Although it already has something, first work, then pleasure. Only when learning, it would often be more sensible to take a break and make what nice.

Because the brain needs time to be able to store the learned, instead of constantly getting new information.

Ask your mother if you can’t start a pilot project for two weeks. You go out first, get home on time and get behind your homework.

argument could be, along with already mentioned. That you’re just hopp-husch-dalli doing the tasks because you want to get out as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter. Unlike if after two, three nice hours, with a ventilated head you sit down and focus on the tasks.

If it comes to it, of course, you have to give gas so that your services do not deteriorate, but rather become better.

5 months ago

If it happened more often or you didn’t do the homework yesterday, it’s appropriate to get you homework. — I always sat at the table and couldn’t get up before I didn’t finish the homework. When I had to go to the toilet, my mother went to the door. When I came out, she brought me back to the table. I even sat there until 17 o’clock until I finally started to make house.

There’s the measure of your mother much looser.

5 months ago

If it doesn’t work differently, it just pulls the thumb screws.

You can see that this does not really work with your homework in the evening.

And as always in life: First the duty (homework) and then the pump (passion).

5 months ago
Reply to  kugel

That’s the vocabulary test was just an exception, otherwise they were always good and after that was also good

5 months ago

what your mother thinks right then she will put it through

5 months ago

Oh, man, that sounds really exhausting. What your mom’s trying to do is listen to “author education”.

She wants to teach you discipline by taking away distracting things in the hope that you concentrate on homework. However, this leads to the exact opposite and the child can last for a long time with rebellious behavior, which leads to even more dispute.

I think you’d have to regain your mother’s trust that you’re a responsible person and know what you’re doing because from their perspective, they don’t dare you to manage your time-manage alone.

Maybe you take a few tasks in the household, do your homework first quickly and then you go out and talk a little about the subjects at school with her so that she has the impression that you are interested in school.


2 months ago

Yes she exaggerates completely!!

I understand that she wants you to do your homework, but only one minute on YouTube? I don’t know

it’s your key to doing your homework at all