Übertreiben Mädchen mit Perioden Schmerzen?

Hey, ich will mit dieser Frage niemanden angreifen! zwei Freundinnen von mir gehen sehr oft nicht zur Schule weil sie so schlimme Perioden Schmerzen haben. Ich selber habe auch oft Schmerzen während meiner Tage und dazu hab ich eine blutkrankheit was meine Tage angeblich ein wenig verschlimmern soll. Ich würde aber nicht sagen das es sooo schlimm is das ich zuhause bleibe oder sogar mehrere Tage krank mache. Ich sehe auch so oft tik toks die meiner Meinung nach übertrieben sind. Allgemein finde ich werden Perioden total dramatisch im Netz dargestellt. ( außer es handelt sich um endometriose)Jetzt ist meine Frage ob vielleicht noch jemand das so sieht?

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1 month ago


The problem here is that we are not these people.

Everyone also has a different pain sensation/tolerance and that makes it more difficult to compare the pain.

Example Birth: there are women who have to surrender several times during a birth despite PDA (served for pain relief) and have fear of death. Others, in turn, simply don’t have such severe pain or can hold them better and don’t scream, don’t need any PDA or anything to relieve the pain.

Example amputation: most people fall out of power and have extremely severe pain when they experience an amputation through an accident. However, there are also many documented cases in which the affected persons could still choose the emergency call very quietly. Of course, adrenaline and shock play a role here, but only as a comparison.

So it is also during the period. There are the ones who actually have so severe pain or her body is not able to properly cure the pain. Others do not have such severe pain or their bodies can better compensate for the pain.

So you can be happy if you are one of those who either do not have so much pain or whose body can handle it better.

I wouldn’t name it in any case. We don’t know how it feels for these and their bodies. We’re not the ones.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



1 month ago

The pain is as different as there are women and do you know that they have no endometriosis?

For example, I have so much pain on the first two days that I am getting over from pain pills if I don’t take them fast enough and can only move me curved forward, even so they make the pain best if tolerable. In addition, I have strong migraines with nausea and aura.And I have no endometriosis.

Almost every man would report sick with the symptoms.

1 month ago
Reply to  Leonieeee7788

Did you read the rest? You don’t need endometriosis to have no pain.

1 month ago

This is completely different. For example, during my entire puberty, I had almost nix. So no cramps etc. I always thought that my fellow pupils are doing.

It was only an adult. I’ll let the sport fall out on the first day, or I’ll take it a little slower. But I also know people (even if they still have endometriosis) who are really in pain. A friend describes it, for example, as if someone were to put a knife in her stomach. And she’s def, not a soft disease. She didn’t always have that.

1 month ago

You mean, boys have the same pain, but stay back in front?

1 month ago
Reply to  Leonieeee7788

Exactly. I’m asking.

1 month ago

Everyone else will tell you. One thing is different and the other.

1 month ago

It depends. I knew a girl who then always flew around, that’s why I exaggerated to flee. I have very sark pain with everything about it and do not flee or bind it to everyone.

1 month ago

According to studies, about 50 to 75% of girls and young women suffer from dysmenorrhea.

This means that up to half of all women have no pain or other unpleasant accompanying phenomena.

Although I bleeded like a dead pig (there was a super plus orb after 2 hours at the latest), I never had any pain – at most a dull “swiss feeling” in the abdomen.

Happy for you!

1 month ago

I don’t have endometriosis, and I’m still halfway out when I have my days. There are no painkillers

1 month ago
Reply to  jalvi


1 month ago
