Am I overreacting to my father-in-law? Baby, family anger?

It starts with the birth of my baby.
2nd day in the hospital.
My father-in-law comes through the door, drenched in sweat, smelling of cigarettes and perfume, carrying a dirty sack while I'm breastfeeding. (My husband was already in the room with me.)

He puts the bag on the bed, doesn't say hello or ask how we are, but instead stretches out his hands to the baby and says: give me the baby.

I sent him out, and he was furious and didn't contact us for a week. He didn't ask how the baby was, etc.

A month later, the situation has already calmed down; we're taking the baby (1 month old) for a walk. He constantly takes the baby out of the stroller, wakes it up when it's asleep, constantly takes my baby out of my arms without asking, puts the baby's hands in his mouth, rubs his face against the baby's face, kisses my baby on the corner of the mouth… I lost it. I told him several times that I didn't want this, but he still tried to do it "secretly" over and over again.

My husband told him again and again, but it didn't really change anything.

4 months later he's still doing all these things and I don't know what to do.

There are simply things I don't want. But I don't really want to forbid contact either… my husband wouldn't want that either.

Am I overreacting? I'm already so angry whenever he's around… of course, this is also a stress factor for my marriage…

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4 months ago

No, you don’t exaggerate. Take some clear rules. If this does not have to be limited to, for example, one day a month.

4 months ago

No, you don’t get over and it would be bitter to do it. And your husband, too. The main task of parents is to protect their baby. Your sister-in-law is clearly cross-border. And that, even though it was clearly shown in the borders.

Without consequences, he will never learn to respect you and the baby.

I think a ban on contact is necessary.

4 months ago

You’re not going over! this is overriding disrespectless behavior of your father-in-law! you should put him before the election: your rules are to be observed or he has to stay away.

4 months ago

You don’t overreact, he’s outrageous and unharmed, I’d limit contact