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ich kann nicht mehr … meine Hormone sind ein auf und ab …. Dazu hab ich erkältungssymptome bekommen und fühle als hätte ich leicht Fieber dazu hab ich jeden Tag starkes Sodbrennen…. Momentan schlafe ich nachts auch nicht mehr so gut und bin dann um 5 Uhr schon wach für ein zwei Stunden…. Ich bin bald in der 39 Schwangerschaftswoche und mein Mann arbeitet von 17 Uhr bis 1 Uhr ….. mir wird das gerade alles zu viel und musste mich sogar ausheulen eben

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1 year ago

Totally normal. Towards the end, pregnancy is getting exhausting. Another thing is the cold season. You got fever? Then maybe you should do a Corona test.

That you can’t sleep so well with a thick belly is also normal. Towards the end, I helped a cushion that I could lean on or where I could support the abdomen.

In some cases, pregnancy yoga or various meditation exercises helps to sleep better. In addition, even if it is seductive in the autumn, you should not lie on the couch all day with hot cocoa, but still move, so for example walks.

Try to do as much nice as possible with your husband before the baby comes. Go to eat delicious, or to the swimming pool or to the cinema or make a beautiful autumn walk and chill together on the couch with a good series or whatever you like to take together. Soon everything will no longer be as easy as possible.

Hydrotalcite helps against heartburn. You can also try to sleep with elevated upper body and best on the left. It is best to eat several small meals as a large one with as little fat, sugar and salt as possible. Better are protein-containing meals.

Look here: https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/kochen/rezepte/Rezepte-bei-Sodburnen,sodburnen156.html

Good for the end track!

1 year ago

Of course you don’t exaggerate! You have a baby on your way and are tired – that’s all right! You’re at the border of your body. It is impressive to survive even a single day. I want you to be proud of that. This requires a lot of strength and most people could not do it. It is, of course, difficult, and I do not undermine that. But you must be motivated by your own power – you are incredibly brave! Is your husband a paternity leave? You could use this as an opportunity to spend more time with him. The birth will unite your family.

1 year ago

most people couldn’t make it.

Yes, all pregnant women somehow make it to birth. This is roughly estimated at half of humanity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Elli113

I’m sorry if I didn’t really explain myself. I learn German from the UK, so maybe something has been lost in translation. I didn’t mean it in the literal sense. I meant that her situation, a highly pregnant woman, her husband, who works extremely long while she is ill, is a big challenge. Most people lack the mental strength to make it clear. Is that what I meant?