Übertreibe ich?
Meine Eltern haben eine Art Tagebuch von mir gelesen, wo ausdrücklich “lesen verboten” drauf stand. Ich hatte es in den Müll geschmissen, da es mir peinlich war und es nicht weiter benutzt werden sollte. Meine Mutter hat es rausgefischt, die beschriebenen Seiten rausgerissen und die dann auch wieder weggeschmissen. Das Tagebuch war mir sehr wichtig, also es war kein richtiges Tagebuch, aber ich habe halt eine Zeit lang Lieder und Gedichte geschrieben, damit ich mit allem abschließen konnte. Da waren auch einige über die Beziehung zu meinem Exfreund dabei.
Meine Eltern haben mir immer versprochen, dass sie niemals mein Tagebuch lesen werden, aber das sie mir das jetzt auch mit so einer Unverfohrenheit sagen, kann ich echt nicht fassen. Sie meint halt, dass sie es nicht gelesen hat, nur geschaut hat, was es ist und das ich, wenn ich gewollt hätte, dass es nicht gelesen wird, ich es anders entsorgen hätte müssen. Ich kann es nicht fassen, da standen meine persönlichsten Gefühle drin, wie wir uns kennengelernt haben, wie wir im Mondschein getanzt haben, alles einfach. Und das habe ich zu Liedern gemacht… Ich kann es nicht fassen.
Ich habe es auch entsorgt, da meine Mutter es man hinter meinen Bett, als sie heimlich “aufgeräumt” hat vorgenommen und mir offen hinterlegt hat. Was soll ich denn noch machen, außer es groß und deutlich drauf schreiben, dass das Lesen untersagt ist?!
Bitte helft mir, ich bin echt verzweifelt…
No, you don’t exaggerate! You have a right to privacy, including your diary – already if not big and clearly “not reading” on the lid, but simply because it is!
Read also here: https://www.rataufwir.at/themesubersicht/tipps-info/du-hast-ein-recht-aufprivatesphare
And your garbage belongs to you so long and only to you until he gets him to get him, so the garbage dump!
See https://rechtsanwalt-schiller.com/2017/07/03/wem-gehoert-mein-muell/
Please leave your mother alone for a conversation. Tell her you want to tell her something important and that she should take Zwit. Then you make tea and you say you kindly, but very certain that you have a right to privacy and that it is very important for you that this is being kept because you otherwise feel abandoned. Tell her that she can ask you if she wants to know something, but that she doesn’t have to know everything and she can trust you that you don’t do a bullshit. Everyone should understand that.
If that’s so important to you, you should have protected it better. I can’t see a bad intention with your mother.
It’s “LESEN VERBOTEN!!!” on it. I threw it in the house garbage that was in front of the front door (not in the apartment, no, the garbage for the whole house) and she picked it out again to see if there are still a few pages of paper that were not yet described. She also told me there were some grammatical mistakes. So she definitely read it.
Hmm, that’s very clumsy of your mother and insensitive. Nevertheless, in the future, you just have to take care of something that doesn’t happen.
I don’t know. But there is a spell : Whoever has the damage does not need to worry about the spot. That’s sad but true.
Well, but why am I being ridiculed here now and it’s done as if I’m guilty of trusting my parents so far that they don’t read anything where it is that they shouldn’t read it?
No, it’s not your fault, of course.
So it’s my fault and not my mother’s?
If a burglar wants to go to a house where there is only a normal door lock and no high security lock, then the burglar is innocent only because the house owners could have protected it even more?!
Now you know how it’s going… and you’ll be much more careful in the future.
It was in the household waste of all rental parties!! The garbage was on the street, so it was even theft at the city. She only took him because the “LESEN VERBOTEN!!!” It was written with my writing.
diary with lock (it also gives it with numeric code) buy. Write in front: “Mama, finger away. This is my diary. ‘
It stood in capital letters queer about it “LESEN VERBOTEN!!!” isn’t that explicit enough?!
Nope. You wanted to know what you could do. You know now.
And you’re exaggerating the drama.
How about it, if you throw it into the trash ton of all rental parties, again in the kitchen garbage or so, no, in the trash ton on the street and she takes it out, commit theft to the city (as soon as something is in there, it belongs to the city) and read it, just because reading is forbidden with my writing and then it is also so three times and knowing mistakes!!!
You don’t exaggerate! Your diary is your thoughts and very personal. Your parents should respect this.I may not know that this is so helpful now, but you could hide it or write it encrypted if your parents do not respect your privacy. Depending on how old you are, you also have different options open to your parents and (I know it can be difficult to talk about that it is simply not in order to penetrate your privacy. I hope I could help you.
She said she didn’t read it, and even if she read a few words, that’s not all right. It’s a shame you want to throw away your poems and texts. And yes, if you want to make sure, you have to dispose of embarrassing things right in the garbage can outside or somewhere else.
It was big “LESEN VERBOTEN!!!” on it, so you don’t mind to see what it is.
And so far, you’ve always stopped all your parents’ bans? Such a description and the kind in the rubbish bucket cries for “leaving me”. Why didn’t you put it in the rest of the garbage, buried somewhere in the bag and brought it right into the ton – is how you can protect your passwords with hint “read forbidden” too. If you don’t want someone to see something, you make it so that nobody sees it…
Maybe she had the back first in her hand or didn’t pay attention to it. Parents are sometimes like that. Sure it wasn’t okay, but I don’t think she wanted to hurt you or something.
So it’s my fault that I trust my parents and expect them to stick to that?? That’s like saying that the burglar is completely justified and doesn’t do anything wrong, just because the door is closed, but not a high-security door.
No, she said she didn’t read it, but wanted to see if it was important and if you can still use it.
You’ll regret having disposed of it one day. It’s part of life. And you like to read it. I still miss my diary today, although or because there was a lot of nonsense. Maybe you get the pages as a gift sometime
And as many people have said here, get one with lock.
That is not the debate. I threw it away because it has already been spying on me in my room, is a “reading forbidden” not enough protection if one trusts one another and otherwise has no difficulties with one another?!
Reading and looking in are two completely different things.
If you don’t want a thrown-away diary to be read – by whoever – you destroy it. That’s it.
And don’t just throw it in the garbage.
And as far as reading is prohibited. It really stands out when the pampflet is in the ton.
No, of course not! In addition, it was the common household garbage can standing in front of the house, not even the kitchen garbage or something. She just recognized my writing
Again. If you don’t want someone to throw away!!! Look through things, then destroy it.
You’ve released it with the throw in the müll for the shot!
Well, learn something for your future: if you want something really “gets” you have to plan it right and effectively!
And just to write. “read forbidden” is probably a bit stupid, right?
She says she didn’t read it. Well, you’re exaggerating.
If she says she looked in so she knows what it is, she must have read it!
No. She doesn’t have to.
Then don’t think you’re not in the position to prove that I’m lying.
…what I still don’t believe you.
Because she made me aware of grammatical errors.
After she didn’t read it, it’s pretty clear.
The question is more why you don’t want to believe her.
No, but it’s MY garbage and it’s a big “LESEN VERBOTEN!!!” on it. It’s clear enough.
Your house isn’t in the trash, so you didn’t give up your demands. So your comparison is not good.
If it were the normal garbage, I would have written it. I know garbage, just as the garbage can in front of the house, apparently it doesn’t all look like this.
Here’s another idea:
If a burglar wants to go to a house where there is only a normal door lock and no high security lock, then the burglar is innocent only because the house owners could have protected it even more?!
Now you’re ridiculous. If you come with such details now… tadaaaa!… you just thought them out so we’d believe you now.
She made me aware of grammatical mistakes, it’s only when you read all sentences.
You can fly over a page without immediately reading the whole content. She probably meant that. Of course, she has read individual words, but she hasn’t sat down and pulled herself side by side.
No, she also told me that there were quite a lot of grammatical errors…
She’s not stupid. If you look into such a book, you also know without reading whether it is drawings, private texts or school notes.
Otherwise she wouldn’t know what that was. You can’t look at a text or word without reading it as soon as you can read it.
Extremely fucked by your mom I’d just freak out
So did I…
Don’t worry, everyone deserves privacy, and if you feel that this has been invalidated, that’s just not okay with your mom