Set up transfer function electrical engineering?

Hi, can someone please explain this task to me using the first example, I really have no idea.

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1 year ago

The transmission function is the Laplace transformant of the pulse response.

has transformed as Laplace

How do you get the desired output signals:

3.2.1: Green = Overlay of three delays of the input signal


similar, only with different weights:


Price question: how to write a delay around T ? By taking δ(t-T) as a transfer function! Hir is just about…

I hope you realize what you have to do. now I’ve solved almost everything for you 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  henriette657

h1(t), h2(t) and h3(t) are the Pulse responses, not the transmission functions. Here is an error in the text

1 year ago
Reply to  henriette657

and what exactly is the question? What part task does d relate to you?

1 year ago
Reply to  henriette657

What do you mean?

1 year ago

In my first answer, I gave you a hint that you can solve the task.

1 year ago

You shall determine the parameters ci and τi so that they match the three y when the x is given.

y(t) = x(t)*h(t)

What is the response to the signal x when h(t)=δ(t-0)? And how, therefore, to a displaced and weighted dirac pulse δ(t-τ) ?

You have to think of something more.

1 year ago

Never heard that before, we had only wrinkles in the lecture.

The output-side time function x2 of an LTI system is the folding of the input signal x1 with the pulse response h:

x2(t) = x1(t) * h(t)

You should have heard that, right? It can also be easily derived, due to the linearity and time invariance.

What exactly do you want to do? Determine the output signal for the given input signal? It doesn’t fit the title of your question.