Does health insurance cover the surgical costs for functional septorhinoplasty?
Does health insurance cover the surgical costs for functional septorhinoplasty?
Does health insurance cover the surgical costs for functional septorhinoplasty?
Hi I have a question… I think I've always had this and probably inherited it from my dad. I can eat as much as I want and never get fat. It's actually cool, I have a good figure, and I don't exercise. Dnice But seriously, I think, and I'm also happy, that I have an…
I'm a little chubby, but I'm really happy with my weight. Should I gain more weight or should I stop, since I currently weigh 93 kg at 1.85 m. But 10 kg more wouldn't hurt that much, right?
I'm happy with my weight and generally wonder: What weight is ideal for a 15-year-old boy who's approximately 1.66m tall?
Hello, I'm 14 years old and have been taking methylphenidate slow-release/Ritalin for over a year now. I now only eat once a day, in the evening. I've lost 5 kilos since the summer holidays, so since September. I have absolutely no appetite anymore, but I'm still going to school and can't reduce the medication or…
How can I gain weight quickly?
If it is medically necessary then yes. Say you’re getting bad air or something.
Everything that is medically necessary is taken over.
Please ask directly at your KK, because there are still differences from KK to KK.