Survived the Holocaust. Does this mean the person was also in the Holocaust, or does it mean he ONLY heard about it or ONLY saw it, without being in the fire himself?

Survived the Holocaust.Means the person was also in the Holocaust, or means he ONLY heard or ONLY saw it, without himself being in the fire (Holocaust)

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2 years ago

I doubt that someone would have survived this (when he was in the fire). Surviving the Holocaust simply means being in a concentration camp and then being freed.

2 years ago
Reply to  TeotoreBagwell

In this case, not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tannibi

Right. You can also have escaped.

you can also successfully hide

2 years ago
Reply to  ruki24

Then I’d say no. 1

Otherwise, the whole world would have survived the Holocaust, or at least all the Jewish people who died at that time over all on earth.

2 years ago

This family fled in time.

But it can also mean that someone, for example, in one
KZ was and survived.

By the way – there are apparently questions about one
Text you do not cite. You should do that in the future
do, that makes it much easier.

2 years ago

You escaped the mass murder by any circumstances. An example is the recently deceased Salomon Perel, who turned out to be a popular German and even as a Hitler boy could save himself from extermination. … I knew Dr. William Wolff, who had died in the meantime, for years. He came from Berlin. His family has just been able to leave Germany to Holland in time, and then to flee to England because of the Nazis’ overfall. That’s why the family survived. His family survived the Holocaust called Hebrew Shoah.