Überholt plötzlich Gegenverkehr?


Festern Abend bei erlaubte 60 ist einer vor mir mit 40 gefahren . Wollte den überholen und plötzlich aus dem Nichts kam gegenverkehr und der Vordermann vor mir beschleunigt plötzlich wo ich einscheren wollte … Der Gegenverkehr also das Fahrzeug hat Lichthupe gemacht und abgebremst.

Wollte mich entschuldigen aber der jenige ist schon weggefahren und auch keiner hat angehalten.

Frage ist jetzt was kann mir jetzt passieren? Punkte bzw bußgeld ?

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2 years ago

If you have a witness who is not family related or friends with you, you can report back. But he will reimburse counter-indication for danger; the opponent anyway.

So forget about it and learn about it: You can only get out if you can’t get out of nowhere. He does that very often. And that you’re just overtaking if you have enough push.

2 years ago

Then the opponent would probably have already gone to the edge and would have secured data, called or turned the police and persecuted you.

Regarding the overhauled: With witnesses or meaningful recordings, you could see him for traffic hazard.

2 years ago

it will probably not happen, and you have been very lucky. In the future, only overtake if you can fully view the route and do not overtake before or in curves.

2 years ago

But when overtaking, you should always make sure that there is no intercourse and only overtake them into visible (gear).

40 Km/h is too slow.

2 years ago

I wanted to apologise, but he’s already gone and no one has stopped.

All right, where do you want to apologize? all gone further

2 years ago

If no one has a witness or dashcam, you’ve been lucky.

You’re just overtaking in well-visible routes.

You’re overtaken at the appropriate speed.

You need to speed up enough without jeopardizing anyone else.

2 years ago
Reply to  SirAndiusNr2

Huch wrongly commented

2 years ago
Reply to  Msmiil

You don’t have to overtake if you can’t see traffic enough, that was your fault.

If you can’t overtake it, you have to cancel it early. This must also be planned for overtaking.

2 years ago

There’s nothing going to happen.

My advice to you: intercourse does not emerge from nothing. Just surpass where you really have free vision.

2 years ago

There’s nothing…

2 years ago

Do you really think that in such a situation only one of your license plates has noticed?