Über welche Wege kommen die Einwanderer derzeit nach Australien?
Ich möchte nur wissen über welche Wege die Einwanderer nach Australien kommen. Wie viele tun es über das Punktesystem, Sponzor Visum, Ausbildung oder irgendwie anders? Gibt es diese Daten für das Jahr 2023 vielleicht?
Last year, after the expiry of the restrictions in the course of the Corona pandemic, a nearly half million people had emigrated to Australia. According to the will of the government under laboratory Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, these figures are expected to fall in 2024 and 2025 towards 250,000.
How Australia wants to control immigration
Lack of skilled workers, corona episodes, demographic change – Australia has some similar problems as Germany. The country therefore also changed its immigration policy at several points.
At present there are several main routes how immigrants come to Australia:
https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/australia-einmigration-politik-100.html#:~:text=In%20 past%20year%20was%20after,2025%20in%20direction%20250.000%20sink.
Migration to Australia: Life and Work
Australien Auswandererer – Aktuell Informed!
Your chances have not increased in relation to your previous questions on this topic. And the conditions you have to meet have not really changed in relation to your previous questions.
Otherwise, see the answer from Udavu.
Yes I know, however, this question was not whether my chances have risen or fallen, but about statistics such as immigrants have come to this continent.
Google helps. Look for yourself. The background of your question is still the possibility of emigration.
And why do you think we can spell something newer out of the hat if you haven’t found anything in the search engines. There will probably be no recent surveys. But you can follow this yourself and check again and again whether a new study has emerged. Good luck.
I have already used Google and mostly all websites in German are already stored on my hard drive should have been good enough and be helpful for me. The only website that says about it is this https://www.sgb.ch/blog/blog-daniel-lampart/ details/in-Australia-wuetet-dielohndumping-epidemie-uns-schuetzen-die-flankenden-mass and this website is already four years old and in which the score system is given less and less a significant role, so I just wanted to know four years later how the situation now looks and what ways people come to Down Under.
Ways, by ship, of course, if they should be recognized.
Australia takes up asylum seekers, for example in the financial year 2015 and 2016 8460 refugees from Syria and Iraq. From mid-2013 to mid-2014, Australia also granted 13.800 refugees and 20,000 visas between 2012 and 2013.
Migration and Asylum Policy in Australia – Wikipedia
What are the ways in which immigrants are currently coming to Australia?
This is NOT true
Factscheck of the multiple experts Answer
At present there are several main routes how immigrants come to Australia:
What does this answer have to do with the question?
The question is about qualified immigrants, not refugees or asylum seekers.
And there is no need for transportation.
The fact that at the end of the world the understanding of the German language is not surprising.
Yes mei, GF- multiple expert stand….
You could marry my sister.