Über rot gefahren Probezeit?

Hey 🙂

Also ich bin mir nicht mal zu 100% sicher ob ich über rot gefahren bin.

Folgende Situation: hinter mir waren sehr viele PKW und vor mir wird die Ampel Orange. Ich habe nicht gebremst, weil ich Angst hatte, dass mir dann jemand reinfährt.

Ich bin auf jeden Fall über die Haltelinie gefahren, als die Ampel noch Orange war, aber ob die Ampel noch immer Orange war als ich vorbei war, kann ich nicht sagen, ich denke nicht..

Wenn das eine Ampel mit Blitzlicht war, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass sie mich geblitzt hat? Sind diese Blitzer nicht meistens vor der Haltelinie?

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2 months ago

You shouldn’t worry about me now. Just wait for you to get a letter with the violation in the next few months. Because if you’re driving over red or not, it doesn’t matter. You can’t change it anymore. Just wait for something to happen.

2 months ago

So it’s not an excuse when vehicles are behind you. You should have expected the lights that show longer green, that they will soon be able to jump around and get off the gas. Similarly, in the event of an accident, your rear man would have a problem because the safety distance must also be present at a green traffic light. This may not help you, but it would be arguments you will hear if you were really flashed and come.

I wouldn’t appreciate it. Normally one notices the reddish light of the flasher and at least at us in Flensburg where there are many such lightnings one also sees the box clearly as one knows the crosses where one should pay particular attention.

I wouldn’t really worry about it.

2 months ago

If you’re over the holding line with yellow, then everything is in order. You would have seen a light flasher that flashes twice. Once to see if it was just a stop line failure and again whether you were driving over the intersection.

But besides, it shouldn’t bother you if there are other cars behind you. If you can stop in front of the yellow light without any risk braking, you must do that. You will certainly get the points and driving bans.

2 months ago

It happened to me many years ago. I then got mail and I filed an appeal. The whole thing even went to court, but I let a lawyer tell you that my backman, I would have braked a lot, would have gone to the trunk. This could also be seen from the picture material. Since I had a traffic law insurance, I got no penalty and the insurance took over the court fees. Long speech, short sense: you’ll have to wait to see if you get mail at all and then you can do it.

2 months ago
Reply to  Kabeltante1266

The legal protection insurance does not protect you from the penalty ! She only pays the procedural costs and even if SIE thinks you would have great chances to win. In case you win, the opponent pays anyway.

2 months ago
Reply to  Kabeltante1266

I think that kind of thing depends on the judge’s day form. In any case, however, it is so that you can even brake strongly in front of a yellow traffic light and in case of an accident you are not guilty.

There is a case where a car driver has braked very strongly and is approx. 1 meter behind the holding line came to stand when the rear man is in the hit. Nevertheless, the blame was given to the rear driver.

2 months ago
Reply to  GrayWolf

You’re right, it’s the court’s decision. With me, it was also that I had my little son on the back bank. It would have been worse if the rearman had been in danger. That’s what the court saw. But if it weren’t enough, I’d have been in the car alone and I’d have been one of them.

2 months ago

Okay, the fact that your son was in the car is, of course, a factor that a judge will consider. I just wanted to say that in principle, one should brake strongly against a yellow light and not have to worry about being guilty of a crash.

2 months ago

If you can’t stop at risk, you can still get over it with Orange.

2 months ago

If no lightning stood nothing happens