Über eine Grenze fahren?

Hey, ich habe vor, in den nächsten paar Monaten von Österreich über die Schweiz nach Italien mit dem Auto zu fahren.

Dass man auf den Schweizer Autobahnen die Jahresvignette benötigt, ist mir klar. Aber zu meine Frage: Wie läuft aktuell sowas ab? Kann man einfach (als Privatperson) über eine Grenze fahren – dürfte ja alles Schengenraum sein.

Muss man trotzdem irgendwie anhalten und irgendwas machen? Oder ist das alles ganz easy und man passiert das Schild und ist in einem anderen Land?

Bitte die Frage nicht missverstehen – ich bin bisher nur im Inland gefahren und habe es selbst noch nie “erlebt”.

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2 years ago

The border crossing is not a problem. It may be that you are controlled and asked for goods. But usually you get caught.

The identity card is sufficient and at least for Switzerland (I also believe Austria) there are no corona-related entry restrictions.

Vignette best buy beforehand. Depending on the border crossing you land relatively fast on the highway 😉

2 years ago

Whether you can go to Switzerland depends on your nationality. As a German, no problem. Vignette is needed on the highway (they have severe penalties in CH) – but not on road – it is also complete without highway! There are great routes!

2 years ago

When you’re stopped, you’re gonna stop when you get through, you’re gonna run.

In the EU, you have to stop. D/NL is often the highway, so you don’t have a border crossing with officials who win you out unless they wave you off the highway, over the border clearance, then already.

51.200554623640635, 6.07100575498153

2 years ago

You’re driving across the border normally. By the sign and over there you are:)

Sometimes there are border guards and ask if you introduce goods or want goods. See your ID. That’s what happened. It’s all simple.

2 years ago

You stand right in front of the border in Austria on an x arbitrary fuel station and buy a vignette. Then you drive on an x arbitrary border transition step pace and then at some point Swiss officials stand and tell you whether you should stand or continue to drive everything runs in 10 seconds. Don’t be like a drug dealer, even if you have to stand to watch them ask why and what you’ve got in the car once in the computer and already see the Swiss that you want to drive over Switzerland for the first time, then you’ll definitely be able to continue driving more likely to be controlled by the Swiss than Austrians. It’s not a boundary transition as on American films no fear you are European hopefully 😅

2 years ago
Reply to  Babaros91

It is not documented in any database how many times you have passed the border. This was not even when Switzerland was not a Schengen state yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  marcelgr

Every year I drive over 100 x across the border and believe me young Lord that is noted ☺️