Über 10 000 I.E. Vitamin D aufs Mal?
Mein Hausarzt hat mir nach einer Blutuntersuchung Vitamin D-Tabletten verschrieben, von denen jede 0,266 mg des Vitamins enthält. Das entspräche über 10 000 Einheiten und ich soll alle vierzehn Tage eine Tablette nehmen.
Ist das nicht zu viel aufs Mal oder habe ich mich verrechnet?
Viele Grüsse
This is a depot, then it equals 5000 units per week and that’s all right. I’ll take 2000 a day. Other depots have 7000 units for a week, so yours is still relatively low dosed.
Okay. Thank you.
I don’t know if you’ve been charged, but in general nothing speaks against 10,000ie at once, I take 5,000ie per day
Isn’t that too much? The daily requirement is 800 I.E.
A tablet every 2 weeks is well dosed. You shouldn’t take a tablet every day. Keep in touch with your doctor’s requirements.
vitamin d can be strongly overdosed in healthy people without any side effects
Where did you hear that? The body can work off the 10-fold dose without any problems, including due to the extremely long half-life
WTF is wrong with you??? Vitamin D is one of the 4 vitamins that can be extremely easily overdosed with REAL side effects
No, I don’t take them every day. I read that the daily requirement is 800 I.E., so I’m scared first. There can be dangerous calcium deposits when overdosed, I have read.
Thank you.
The sufficient daily dosage in winter is about 1000 iE per day. But even 2000 iE daily do not harm.