Nausea and chest pain?
Hello, I hope you can help me. For about a month I have been feeling slightly nauseous every day but have only had to throw up once and that was at the very beginning for a week at home from work. But the nausea doesn't go away and when I'm hungry my stomach growls so much and then I usually (not always) feel sick again but shortly after that I feel very hungry again… my breasts are also more sensitive (it usually hurts when you press on them) and I have the feeling they have become a bit fuller but if I have gained anything then it's a kilo I'm not overweight.
Do you belong to those who load their problems on the stomach? Others put them in the neck with tensions and headaches.
Problems are best solved in the situation.
That grumps brings stress and suffering inside. The soul then warns with symptoms in the body.
Thoughts with feelings are creators, in + how -.
In fact, it’s really stressing or embarrassing me, and sooner I never usually had such problems with stress and everything else I either get sick or get headaches
Go to the doctor.
I had because of a rds . way with symbioflor . Regenerates the darmflora .
In case of nausea, I took it fromex. Relax, too.
So for me it sounds like a pregnancy. Did you test that?
Is pregnancy possible?
so 5/6 weeks ago I took the last time my pill, but it’s normal that you don’t get bleeding first When to make a test
No, that’s not normal… that can happen, but most women have a normal cycle after that because the pill usually doesn’t affect the sequence cycle.
19 days after Gv or overdue.