Uangenehmstes Erlebnis in Bahn/Zug?
Was war eures
Was war eures
Hallo! Ich wohne in Deutschland als ein kriegsflüchtling von Ukraine. Mein Reisepass (der einzige Asuweis den ich habe) ist seit 2 monate abgelaufen und mein Aufenthaltstitel ist auch abgelaufen. Denn Pass kann ich gerade nicht erneuen, weil in der Ukraine wurde ein gesetz erhoben, wo wurde gesagt, dass die werden kein material in andere länder…
Beispielsweise in Karlsruhe setzt der Karlsruher Verkehrsverband(KVV) auf den Linien 5(von Rheinhafen nach Durlach Bahnhof) und auf der Linie 3(von Daxlanden nach Rintheim) nur die alten Karlsruher Straßenbahnen ein. Ein ähnliches Beispiel findet man in Bielefeld. In Bielefeld werden zwar der neu Straßenbahntyp Vamos sehr selten eingesetzt allerdings nicht auf der Linie 1(von Schildesche nach…
ist eine Zustimmung für Deutschlandticket ohne Smartphone und PC möglich? Mein Vetter hat mit 83 Jahren keine Ahnung wie es gehen soll…..
Frage mich ob ganze Zeit iwelche Leute uns beobachten von Kamera da?
I’ve read the answers now.
The only thing that comes with is stupid passengers.
IC is composed of ICE waiting on the same platform. Tickets are valid. That ran for 30 minutes through the ads, was about 15 times.
NE, Ca 30% listened, were in 30 sec at ICE. I caught two trains that were implementing because they were sitting opposite, even lifting up the heavy rehab case. Both without which I had to ask, unless I can sit down. And were completely surprised that I had transferred them within 3 minutes.
65% ran up the stairs and surpassed the DB staff, who, as a human wall, should actually prevent that. When they were in, it was about 15 min
Well and 5%
Saßen continued in the IC. Why so long did they learn from train workers who searched the train. The then rumbling that was no longer free of Palt,
55 min delay of ICE (because 30min waited for us… by honest passengers.
The two guys had excellent examples.
A beggar went through the train. Since no one gave anything, he repeatedly cried out loudly through the train, if he could not eat or drink now, he could no longer guarantee anything, then fit something. The passengers were clearly disturbed.
At the next station, two security people came into the car. They pushed the intruding beggar on the platform, then pulled the door from inside and the train continued without the beggar. While the train was moving, the beggar was still standing against the train. The passengers were all relieved that he was no longer on the train.
A strange man in the grounded vest ran through the train and constantly called “so a crap, again such a day, and ECHT EY ICH HAB THE KRANKHEIT”.
On the first of May, I also stood beside some beer tour boys who have left pork skram and permanent peas. The families also standing next to them were almost physically involved.
Yes, the people in the railway are often very strenuous/unreaching
I was 15 and had just gotten masern… were getting more and more at school, then I drove home and the old ones really stared at me…
And often adolescents with no education.
Snowfall blocked track in-the-middle-of nowhere with 6 hours waiting time in a fast cooling train wagon.
This was during the snow disaster in winter 1978/1979.
Open football fans on the train who blocked the doors at each station.
That a man had harassed me, so I try to avoid the public.
Border control in the middle of the night where you just slept well.
A redirection
Long delay
Every trip with the dirty DB is an unpleasant “experience”.
The only correct answer!
It’s really popular for that.
Everything must be either masochists or people without an alternative.
Is it better with Metronom or Go Ahead or Flixtrain?
So Agilis is the same drama(at stomping times)
I don’t know.
Oh, no. Last year I put a good 8000 kilometers back with the DB, there were quite trips that were right on time and everything worked out.
That sounds like it wasn’t the most. I’ve been driving the DB six times over the last six months. Aside from the strike two weeks ago, NIX worked.
My first train is coming too late because he waited somewhere for another late train. That’s why I miss my connection because it’s not waiting….
Then a train comes too late because a train was not “available”… 20min before scheduled departure…. came there the truck driver to the garage and there was no train left or what?
The whole club is just a laugh.
Nazis attack migrants.
had not actually had