Ü40 Pillen am Tag schädlich für den Magen?


Ich nehme ca. seit Anfang des Jahres täglich insgesamt über 40 Tabletten/Kapseln zu mir:

12 x Vitamin B3

10 x Vitamin C

5 x Omega 3

2 x Vitamin D

2 x Zink

2 x Haar-Vitamine

1 x Vitamin A

1 x Q10 Coenzym

1 x Vitamin E

1 x Vitamin-B-Komplex

1 x Folsäure

1 x Magnesium

1 x Koffein

Zusätzlich noch 3 Medikamente sowie weitere 5 g Vitamin C in Pulverform und 9 g Kreatin, ebenfalls in Pulverform.

Vor kurzem habe ich mir nun zweimal in Folge den Magen verdorben (starke Übelkeit und Erbrechen). Auch einige Monate zuvor war mir schon zweimal schlecht. Insgesamt war ich dieses Jahr auch schon über fünf Mal krank.

Nun die Frage: Kommt es von den vielen Pillen oder steckt da eher eine andere Ursache dahinter? Also sind fast 50 Pillen am Tag ein Problem für den Magen oder nicht?


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2 years ago

The pills do not have to hurt the stomach. It is more likely that you harm your body as a whole.

2 years ago

Yes for stomach and NIEREN! You’re breaking it!

2 years ago

You should get DRINGEND medically / therapeutic advice!

And until then Google times the side effect on overdose of all vitamins and gedöns! You’ll be surprised!

2 years ago

Someone’s exaggerating. I’d be bad with the crowd.

Each pill contains accompanying substances that the body must process. Normally no problem, but I would see that differently in the crowd. Especially the kidneys need to handle this.

2 years ago

Why do you grow up with unreliable dietary supplements that primarily use only the manufacturer?

I don’t care, your body can only take a fraction of it anyway.

There’s also the option that you’re overtherapy. Too many of these substances are also harmful.

It can be very good that this is a reason why you deserve the stomach.

Nourish yourself healthy and you get (until Vit D) Alke necessary vitamins in small amount, which the body can also absorb.

2 years ago

Not only for the stomach. No doctor would ever advise you to such a nonsense. What do you want to do with it, except to get all kinds of diseases? At least you read the package leaf?