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Verlorenes Portemonnaie?
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Zug Ticket gebucht aber eine Person will nicht mitkommen?
Hallo, Unsere Familie hat ein Zug Ticket gebucht, aber eine Person will nicht mitkommen, was passiert dann, wenn diese Person nicht mitkommt? Muss man eine Strafe zahlen oder kann man einfach so fahren ohne der Person oder muss sie wirklich unbedingt dabei sein?
I prefer that.
We didn’t. Bzw sit ne S-bahn here the same as a regional railway.
But yesterday in Berlin, it’s all about where I want to go. Even if I lived there.
The bike.
If you already have 5 kilometers to the next reasonable bus stop, both offers don’t seem very attractive.
Even if I come to a city where both means of transport, I drive by car to the periphery and take my bike out.
Depending on…
Basically, the variant that brings me closer and/or faster to my goal.
There is no U railway in Saxony. Just S Bahn.
What is this again a question? That depends on where you want. Where do the subway and S-Bahn take off the same routes?
The horses carriage!