Typisch Deutsches Gastgeschenk?
Hey Hey, ich bin im September in Ungarn zu einem Schüleraustausch und überlege gerade, was sich wohl am besten als Gastgeschenk eignet.. Ich komme aus bw, dh etwas typisch Schwäbisches wäre ideal. Spätzlereibe und Kochbuch sind mir schon in den Sinn gekommen… Was denkt ihr?
+Info: Mein Austauschpartner ist 14, er hat eine 9jährige Schwester
Danke schonmal im vorraus
LG Salmon
The legendary bowl! xD
The only true storage form for Hungarian chips!
Spaetzlemaking is perhaps not the thing of children and adolescents – maybe something better with cookies? Speculacus shapes, or these wood rolls with which you can roll out cookies as figures. And some finished cookies.
You complain in my answer that there is Haribo also abroad. There are cookies there, aren’t there??
Speculazius perhaps not
But an unnecessary comment
Really? That wasn’t even critic LOL
Yes, but I don’t get negative among other answers if I answer something similar myself. My picture and calendar are not available in the host country and yet you have negatively commented on my answer. You don’t, sorry.
A picture book or photo calendar about Schwaben or Germany in general.
The best destinations in Germany.
German candy, e.g. Haribo
Haribo have the
I also wrote, “e.g., it’s not about getting what there is nowhere else, it’s about the gesture.
You can also order a late velvet from Amazon and deliver it abroad. Globalisation makes greetings.