Typisch deutsches Essen/Trinken?
Hallo, ich brauche Hilfe beim erweitern meiner List für typisch deutsches Essen/Trinken:
Schwwarwälder Kirschtorte
Hello Julianrar
Let’s see what it wasn’t like:
We are German sausage world champions – nowhere in the world there are as many different variations as in Germany…
In addition: we are also carbonic acid world champions of this there is nowhere in the world as many different beverages with carbonic acid as in Germany
Bread/bread!!!! Why is there no one 😅 I mean, there are variations of bread everywhere, that is also the reason for this – there is all its variation… – the “right good” (as we feel) with crusty crust and fluffy sourdough seed, bread’s the crippled while biting – hardly to believe for us how to not like this… But in the world there are mostly places where you’re looking for it in vain – where hot bread is as rare as soft burger rolls in our bakeries
These are so typical German things that are also very noticeable to some immigrants
Although what Europeans are especially for some Asians, our paprika is very convincing – they are very sweet…
Lg :
Icebone with potato puree and sauerkraut. And beer.
Do I like German food? Very rare,
The scavenger can be removed again!!!!!!! 😡 This is our Ösis!! You never get enough! 😜
It’s just a rough way.
A Baier, do you want to start with me or something? 😜
You’re right
Yeah. No one takes you away. Enough for everyone. 😅 Man. 😜
Oh 🙈😵 but our 😂 because delicious 🤫🤭
No, I need to disappoint you. ðŸTM‚ You own the mead bun but not the carving. The original may even come from Italy, but the minds split. The best and most popular carving comes from Austria, the Wiener Schnitzel. And what else… that was sarcasm, my text. 😉
Is unfortunately so ^^ the original belongs to us
Liver Cheese
Pig roast with dumplings and crust
A measure !
Labskau, Königsberger Klopse, Pizza Hawaii
Toast Hawaii.. nix Pizza Hawaii 😜
Pinkel (worst)