TW:svv.Was kann ich machen?
Ich kann seit paar Monaten eif. nich mehr einschlafen, weil ich abends und nachts immer über tausend sachen nachdenke jnd es meiner Meinung nach zu viel is. Das hört aber auf wenn ich z.B. mit einem lineal an meinem Arm „ratsche“. Ich hab halt angst dass meine eltern das sehen und wollte fragen was ich machen kann dass das nich passiert.
Ich trage fast nur Pullover, außer im Sommer da darf ich das nich. Hab halt angst dass sie es sehen wenn ich t-shirt trage.
Dear Ossi9997,
No one’s in your situation or running in your shoes of your way of life. There must be a lot of going on and you seem to have to wear these things alone or at least very alone.
The severity of the drummer pushes your thought carousel, the helplessness keeps it running. The pain gives you a feeling back – control, calm, feel you.
And yet you realize that it can’t be the right way, because nobody can see it. Although the SVV seems to be doing well for the first time, you must practice it secretly in hidden places; in places that bleed quickly uncontrolled. You wear masking clothes, probably at some point, inventing excuses, and you’ll get more and more self-capsulated and defy others. At the moment it may still go, but the internal pressure will rise steadily. From kneifen to ruler to razor blade to blunt objects… Actually, you don’t want to, but you think you don’t have an alternative or choice.
I understand, because if it were different, you wouldn’t have started it. When the time has come that you are tired of cutting up your body, bringing you back into your control with pain and can no longer bear it to stop your own shame:
– Call the help phone, as the support already wrote.
– Turn to someone from the circle of relatives or friends who help you find causes and change. If there are people in the family who are corrosive, there must also be a trusted person.
– Find a youth center. Not only that here are young people who might find a place of “internal security” for themselves; there are also social workers who can actively accompany you.
– You could also go to a consultancy, or to JaS at your school.
– A therapy would be very early here, but could be helpful with a few hours. I am thinking more of family therapy or professional installation work. This would be very sustainable and would offer you all the help.
You’re not alone, and you’re not helpless. At the moment you have no other idea. So if you’re ready, take one of those mentioned before for the beginning. Maybe there’s something that fits.
Best regards, MaMaStef 💜
Just stop the crap and see that it doesn’t just solve your problems. It would be more appropriate to get rid of yourself.
You will be able to hide it sooner or later if it leaves longer-term traces. Then you will also make thousands of thoughts that lead to even more SSV. Look for something that can distract you without leaving such traces. And then find professional help.
SVV for falling asleep is now really unusual. Why don’t you find something else to get away from thought circles? Or dissolve these circles.