Twitch streamen?
Ich habe auf Twitch einen Account auf dem ich heute Abend streamen will hat jemand irgendwelche Tipps zu streamen
Ich habe auf Twitch einen Account auf dem ich heute Abend streamen will hat jemand irgendwelche Tipps zu streamen
Hallo zusammen, welches streamingportal ist besser, Netflix oder Apple plus? (Ich möchte meinem Netflix-Account kündigen, wollte aber gerne wissen, ob es sich lohnt?) oder etwas besser als Netflix und Apple plus? Liebe Grüße
Guten Tag zusammen 👋 ich habe eine Frage, da ich hobbymässig Streamer bin und es mich interessiert. Warum schaut ihr euch ein stream an? Was macht es Interessant? Was muss ein kleiner Streamer mitnehmen wieso du es schaust? Würdest du auch langfristig bleiben? lasst es mich in den Kommentaren wissen 😄 Btw. ich heiße Einfachhossi…
Huhu ☺️ Ich suche nach guten Horrorfilmen. Aber damit sind keine Slasher oder andere blutige Filme gemeint, sondern wirklich Filme, die einem Angst machen. Ich liebe Horrorfilme, aber sehe selten welche bei denen ich wirklich Angst bekomme. Welche ich gern gesehen habe sind die Conjuring, Sinister und Insidious Teile. Vielleicht hilft das als ungefähre Richtung….
Diese Serie konnte man früher immer auf YouTube gucken dies geht nicht mehr und es ist weder auf irgendwelchen Streaming Plattformen zu finden noch auf irgendwelchen nicht legalen Websites also weiß einer von euch was ?
Halli Hallo, ich habe einen Film / Serie im Kopf, weiß aber den Titel nicht mehr. Es ging darum, dass eine Frau im Leichenschauhaus gearbeitet hat, sie bekam einen neuen Kollegen hinzu, welcher mit ihr geflirtet hat. Sie bekam Gefühle für ihn, doch irgendwann kam sie nichts ahnend zur Arbeit und sah unter dem Tuch…
If you want to stream, you should know what you want to do.
But for the first time, just start with something you enjoy. And above all, don’t expect that many people are watching you right away.
You’ll see how it works.
Hello Leon0000000!
I’m streaming myself but I’m just really enjoying day. Talk to your spectator if you like. about the game that shocks and what you need to do tasks or missions I do even if I play Tom clancy’s the division especially when I collect resources that I need to expand the armor comes to what topic you want to talk about, but be aware that you can’t talk about anything forget that you don’t have to be kept in your stream chat rules. I hope I could help you a little sweet Anougah
Make interesting content and say nix, for which you will be virtually put on the stake. 😜
warehouse 14
How to make the stream interesting in which I talk a lot or play good game
Why “or”? You can play good games and talk a lot. 🤔
Of course, when talking a lot, it must also be about topics that people find interesting. So look at what your audience wants to hear.
Hi ^^ Watch yourself on Twitch with many streamers. Would have some tips for you.
I and probably also many viewers like it when the streamer has a camera and shows up during playing. So it is better to communicate with the streamer + at some horror games you can sometimes see funny reactions and laugh with the streamer together.
I don’t think that’s so good. Try to talk about certain topics in stream, such as what is your next step in the game, which games you prefer. Or ask the spectators how their day was.
Topic has : if you have got comments, simply accept these comments and laugh about it. Don’t let Troll-Leuten get annoyed or pulled down on the net.
Finally my personal opinion : I think it’s super boring when the streamer always plays the same games and never tries new things.
Try to play several games or test certain demos. Or if a spectator has a wish game, you can respond to these wishes if you want.
but in the end, you should naturally decide what game you want to play. Hope the tips will help you!
Thanks for so many tips I would have one more question. I stream on my ps4 as I have no PC only on the ps4 you can’t start another game without the stream ends. So for example, I’m just streaming Minecraft and wanting to play another game in stream, but that’s not going to end without the stream. Is there perhaps a way to change that
I don’t know what it is. had just gogled and found the same question.
There’s someone commenting
Perhaps this will help you! and if it doesn’t go, as warehouse14 says, just one game per stream ^
Games per stream only one game. That’s the whole stream. And of course good. 😜
You can play another game on the next stream. It doesn’t have to be all in a stream.