TW ED :Könnt ihr mir helfen?
Ich bin neulich 15 Jahre alt geworden (W) und 1,58m groß.
Mein Problem ist dieses: Ich hatte eine sehr langanhaltende Phase in meinem Leben in der ich sehr schnell versucht habe ,sehr viel abzunehmen,was auch geklappt hat,indem ich gar nichts bis sehr wenig gegessen habe ,dass Problem beim sehr schnell sehr viel abnehmen ist jedoch ,dass es gar nicht nachhaltig ist.
Ich kann mein Gewicht nicht mehr halten,wobei ich gerne noch mehr abnehmen wollen würde.Meine Kalorien ,die ich täglich zu mir nehme(bzw. nicht zu mir nehme) sind um die 0-300 Kalorien (höchstens).
Ich bin mir stets darüber bewusst ,wie ungesund dass eigentlich ist und dass ich wahrscheinlich dadurch auch nicht mehr wachsen werde und/oder mich nicht noch großartig entwickeln werde.
Das bereitet mir auch sehr große Sorgen,aber der Drang einfach weniger auf der Waage zu wiegen und das Gefühl davon, ist viel zu schön.
Wie schon gesagt ,esse ich zu wenig ,jedoch möchte ich mir ab und zu ebenfalls etwas “gönnen” bzw. ich möchte endlich wieder normal essen.
Wenn ich dass tue ,befürchte ich zuzunehmen.Ich habe zu große Angst,ich schätze ich bin schon zu lang in der ED drinnen.
Was soll ich tun? Danke im Vorraus!
You put your body in an emergency state. This is an energy-saving mode when your body realizes it doesn’t get enough energy. This is a pure survival instinct.
In any case, you need a healthy relationship to eat again. You should definitely eat more, even if you take something back temporarily. Only if your body has the feeling that it gets enough nutrients again, this one I call it survival mode to return to normal metabolic mode. The advantage is that you are also significantly more efficient.
For you, however, there is no path to the psychologist to get a healthy relationship to food and also to your body.
I thank you for your answer, of course, sounds so simple, but unfortunately it is not in reality.
Your body is trying desperately to survive. This is a vicious circle that can only be normalized with more food and at first with some weight gain.
I weighed over 120 kg, believe me, I know how it is to have a bad relationship with his body. Only with me it was really clear obesity. In the meantime, everything is normal again, but it was a hard way.
As long as you move in the recommended weight range, you can also eat normally and your body will also look normal 😉
Thank you so much for clarifying me and also for telling me your situation!I try my best and hope I can make it soon.
Even if the ignorant sounds… Just eat? You want to eat normally, but don’t you? On other parts of the world, thousands of people wish to have this luxury problem…
If you can’t get this professional help, as others have said
I understand that it can be hard to feel what I feel and you are, of course, quite right in some way, but it is a mental illness, because unfortunately it is not so easy to eat what is then connected with fear or trauma.I can still understand your point and thank you for your honest answer.
The path to the psychologist would be the only right step. You have to get a healthy relationship to eat again and to yourself.
I’m going to think about it and may have to overcome the fear of psychologist.
You have to realize that you’re going to break up with it. It’s not bad to go to the psychologist. On the contrary, it shows strength
Thank you very much for the dear words!! I try my best!!
Don’t let anyone tell you and talk to you!! I find it brave, mature and above all: right!!
good and good luck
Yes, I agree that the problem is then the society that teaches you how bad it is to go to psychologists and that you must be crazy for that.
Go to psychotherapists.
Try! Thank you!
Good luck!
You don’t get that engraving like eating disorder on your own. That’s what professionals need on your side.
It’s just a mental illness.
I agree, a eating disorder can make a really crazy thing.