Tut Zungenpiercing mehr weh als Bauchnabel?
Ich habe Bauchnabel, Septum und normale ohrlöcher. Ist Zungenpiercing stechen viel schmerzhafter? Ich habe Angst 😭
Ich habe Bauchnabel, Septum und normale ohrlöcher. Ist Zungenpiercing stechen viel schmerzhafter? Ich habe Angst 😭
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Gerne mit Antworten in Form von Anekdoten oder ähnlichem 🙂
I didn’t find the ZP bad and didn’t really hurt me either. would say a 2 out of 10 (if 10 is very painful), but everyone feels differently. However, it always takes only a few seconds, that goes very quickly
I didn’t have a belly beak piercing, but the sting itself hardly hurt the tongue. The first days were corrosive. But this has improved considerably after the jewellery has been shortened for the first time. But no matter how intense the pain is felt, with a good piercer, he is over again after a short moment. For me personally, the bullets were always the worst.
Don’t be afraid. That’s not so tragic.
Thank you, but I am a total heulsuse Mr Ghul:(
Pain belong to piercings.
But the tongue is quite harmless.
Btw: Which piercer does it for a 14-year-old?
No, thanks.
Don’t talk bad about my mother…
And if you like to continue writing with me, send me a request for friendship 🙂
Which mother allows her 14-year-old daughter a septum or even a tongue piercing?
Thank you for trying to reduce my panic 🙂
I have to stop with my mother to get me pierced. And that always cost a lot of persuasion art 😇
We can’t know if this is worse for you…
Either you do it or not.