Tut es ihm leid?

Hallo. Ein Mann mit dem ich seit 2 Monaten Kontakt hatte, hat mich vor 1 Woche auf WhatsApp blockiert, da ich ihn anscheinend verletzt habe, was ich ihm schrieb. Dann habe ich mich gestern bei ihm auf insta entschuldigt aber er meinte nur Dinge wie “du glaubst doch nicht das ich mir sowas von dir gefallen lasse” und “wir gehen besser getrennte Wege”. Aber heute schrieb er mir, dass er mich vermisst. Tut es ihm vielleicht leid und er möchte es doch nicht beenden?

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1 month ago

If a person, whether a woman or a man is really and seriously interested in a relationship, then COMMUNICIDE him his injury and tries to find ways to work on it. That’s exactly what you should do.

That’s it. If you don’t try, you don’t try. Those who are satisfied with little will get little.

If he’s really important to you, look for the conversation. If he only wants his fun, consider whether you want to have fun or whether you are worth more and act accordingly and pull out KOn sequences. Do not depend on him, but find out how serious it really is with you.

And honestly consider whether his behavior to block your testimony with which you hurt him was really appropriate or whether that was disrespectful of him or whether you were really disrespectful and injuring and he reacted appropriately!? Because such an extreme way of dealing with criticism tends to be manipulative rather than constructive – there is no will to take you seriously in your criticism, but just the need to tell you: if you talk to me like this, then I will punish you and exclude you. With this he provokes you to feel bad and apologize and plays with you. Be careful and careful!

1 month ago
Reply to  bububu45

Above all, he seems very different in his consequences. He says to you on the one hand: We go separate ways and on the other the very other extreme: ‘I miss you’ These extremes sound very unhealthy and this behavior of him creates a dependency and uncertainty in you. He’ll punish you and if you’ll excuse yourself, he’ll reward you. This is a very difficult, dangerous and manipulative behavior, which if it is not practiced with intention manipulatively on Borderline suggests. I’m just telling you again that you should be very careful! Because to be with someone like that, it breaks one

1 month ago

You shouldn’t know – you shouldn’t have a relationship and not have a relationship talk about Whatsapp!

This is the ultimate misunderstanding and relationship killer!

If you cannot speak under 4 eyes/woll, then leave the relationship – otherwise you will only hurt yourself!

1 month ago

He is obviously much too emotionally controlled for a man…As a man he should be the safe port for the woman. With someone so impulsive it will be very difficult for you.

My opinion.

1 month ago
Reply to  Putty217gato

You’re right! Except that I think this behavior is always difficult, whether man or woman. He is black and white and lives in extremes, in an egocentric world in which only his feelings find meaning and thereby he legitimizes himself to be self-harming and manipulative. Embossed bond fear and fear of control loss!

1 month ago

Discussions should not be made about WhatsApp.

1 month ago

I’d say he’s sorry,but it’s hard to say something because you only know you from writing,if he writes back again I would want to get to know him

1 month ago

Nö he had possibly only pressure and unfortunately only hoped for Quicky

make many guys so

1 month ago
Reply to  YariJuice

Sounds too easy. Men too have emotional needs. Behind his behaviour is more a strong need for control and meaning and a reduced ability to self-reflection.

1 month ago

Very consistent with good 😄

1 month ago
Reply to  3Plus3Ist6

unbelievably bad…satisfied many people come through this because they create addiction in this way. Either he consciously does what he does or he is the victim of his fears

1 month ago
Reply to  bububu45

well, I have to say, if I’m honest I’m also trying to create dependencies with women, but subconsciously, nevertheless mostly with success, at least one because, but with other methods, I’ve only noticed that when I’ve seen a doku about pimping and noticed a few parallels, you should talk to him once, he makes it inadvertently

1 month ago

I’m not a student. To your comment: By becoming aware of this, you are aware of it and should be aware of not cultivating and repeating such behaviors in you. I hope you already understand why I say that. If not, I can explain this to you….

1 month ago

That sounds to kindergarten for me, what I’d be in your place.

1 month ago

He wants to keep you warm, if he has a bottle