Tut eine Prostata OP weh oder wird man betäubt?

Hallo ich wage nächste Woche den Weg zum Urologen.

ich bin 24 und hab das Problem das ich wenn ich Wasser lasse am Ende nur Tropfen raus kommen, und 5 min später wieder nur Tropfen Vorallem nachts… als würde nicht alles raus kommen, und wenn ich etwas mehr mich anstrenge also quasi Presse spüre ich leichten Schmerz im unteren Bauch.

und steh deswegen auch nachts oft auf und muss aufs Klo.

hab gegoogelt und prostata Krebs ist aufgrund meines Alters unwahrscheinlich aber es könnte daran liegen das die Prostata groß ist und wen weg der harmblase stört.

was mich wiederum zur der anfangs frage bringt tut so eine Operation weh? Hab was von rektum Kamera usw gelesen.. das klingt sehr unangenehm und schmerzhaft, hoffe mal das ist in Vollnarkose

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2 years ago

A benign prostate enlargement is also very unlikely with 24 and it does not come overnight. How long have you got the problems?

Prostate inflammation in which it is so greatly increased that you cannot pee would cause more symptoms.

It can be something else.

2 years ago

Please stop googlen! You can’t diagnose yourself! What do you think is why there are doctors (rologists) who have a long-term, completed university degree and many years of professional experience behind them, if every layman like yourself needs only a little googlen to create a diagnosis.

Your problems can have many causes that may have nothing to do with the prostate! Don’t be crazy now!

Go to the doctor. He’ll examine you and then make a diagnosis. No diagnosis is possible without investigations!

To calm you down: No surgery is done without anesthesia. You wouldn’t remember anything. But whether there will be an operation at all is more than questionable. There are also other treatment options.

So wait first, what the doctor says, and please slap these assumptions out of your head!

2 years ago

Every operation is painful. That’s why only an anesthesia works. Postoperative pain can also occur after each operation.

2 years ago

At least one local anesthesia is always obtained in operations. This would be enough for the prostate even if the intervention is minimally inverse. There’s a full anesthesia in a bigger surgery.

2 years ago

You won’t operate as fast, I had 4x biopsy and MRT before. I’ll do everything with anesthesia, of course, MRI not 🙈😅. It’s just like any other surgery, I didn’t notice anything, and I went well. The worst thing was to pull out the hose on the penis, but is also good to stop. You don’t have to worry about the surgery, all in the green area. Wait for what the urologist says.

2 years ago
Reply to  NurDichA

All right, I have to say I got a nervous blase. That means I had to go to the toilet very often. But with corresponding tablets it was also good again, I took half year and then it leveled back normal and without tablets everything normal

2 years ago

I have a TURP – OP – 2020 here for you to be intimated, an Örtliche stunning in the spinal cord above PO off the back is the underlying then anesthet is made over the urethra

2 years ago

that can and must and will the doc tell you….

everything happens in anesthesia…

So to the Doc and nix other…nun Mut and go…

all good and cordial greetings

2 years ago

General anesthesia in the hospital.

2 years ago

Full anaesthesia. Try granufink first.

2 years ago
Reply to  NurDichA

It doesn’t even help if you don’t even know the cause! The Uro can explain better. And Dr. Google is totally insecure. Wait for what the doctor says. Any other form of remote diagnosis is not possible here.

2 years ago
Reply to  zocker0796

Since he doesn’t know what he has, he shouldn’t start self-treatment either. This could only make a possible disease worse and/or delay a healing. He should go to the doctor and stop with his guesses, because until now it is only the guess of a layman who has nothing to do with medicine.

2 years ago
Reply to  zocker0796

You better go to the Urologen before you spend unnecessary money.