Tut das Einsetzen einer Spirale/ Kupferkette weh?
Hallo meine Lieben,
Diese Frage richtet sich an junge Frauen, die bereits eine Spirale hatten oder haben.
Ich bin 18 Jahre alt und hatte noch kein Kind (währe auch etwas früh), möchte jedoch ein Verhütungsmittel nutzen, welches ohne Hormone ist. Mir wurde bei meinem letzten Frauenarzttermin mitgeteilt, dass es seit paar Jahren auch eine kleinere Spirale für junge Frauen gibt. Ebenfalls gibt es auch eine sogenannte Kupferkette. Meine einzige Angst ist das Einsetzen der Spirale aufgrund von Schmerzen.
Jetzt meine Frage an euch:
Tut das Einsetzen der Spirale sehr weh? (Skala von 1-10)
Welche Spirale würdet ihr empfehlen?
Kann man Schmerzmittel nehmen um den Schmerz zu unterbinden beim einsetzen?
It hurts, no way around. And not too close. Pain is what is very subjective and it is also quickly over at the moment.
But under 7 (with painkillers!) I wouldn’t do that.
The topic is also that this often feels very invasive – especially if you have no children.
The mental stress directly in the aftermath is not to be underestimated and I recommend no one to drive home alone.
You should also have the possibility to lie in the bed as much and quiet as possible, because it is still quite comfortable.
To a copper chain I generally do not recommend, statistical risk of injury is higher vs. Spiral without significant added value.
Thank you for your detailed answer. Just because of the pain, I was insecure, as I said, and I’m afraid to get hurt internally, because the risk is always there. I’ll just let myself be advised and see what’s going on.
I’ll put it like this: For me the pain was worth it and it’s 5 seconds “maximum bad” and then it’s over again.
The days after that aren’t funny, but that doesn’t stay on the level of pain – putting in is the worst.
Okay, that calms me if it’s very bad for a few seconds. The protection after insertion is then also given for several years, so it can be really worthwhile I think. I’m just thinking about it until I finish my appointment.
I’ve been using them three weeks ago, and I’ve only taken one IBU 400 or something… could have taken more. So this is really hurting, but just for a short time. My female doctor is also very sympathetic and we always talk during a treatment so I was well distracted here. The two or three days after that were also very painful, such as severe regular pain.
Now, after about 3 weeks I hardly notice anything, but I am very excited about my next period, whether it was changed.
So far I am very happy with this:D
Thank you for your honest answer. Sounds painful but feasible. I’m gonna let my head go if I try the spiral. Which spiral exactly do you have?
I’ve got the copper spiral, because I didn’t get the pill so well and I don’t want to prevent hormones anymore.
But yes, that’s good to do. Bite teeth together once and then you have a few years of rest 😀
It hurts! I’d settle the pain at 8. I didn’t get any painkillers.
That was 30 years ago and it was the first and last I had.
So it hurt me so much that the next time I left it with full anaesthesia.
Thank you for your answer. Oh, that sounds painful. You had to take over the general anesthesia yourself, right?
Well, pain sensations are very individual.
Yes, it is. I can say from my experience that I never had pain in ultrasound and examinations with the female doctor. But with the spiral, according to my internet searches, it is very different.
Copper spiral: 6/10 (drawing was much worse)
Copper chain: 2/10