Türkischer Mann und deutsche Freundin von einen anderen schwanger – wie ist das?
Ich habe mich hier noch mal anonym angemeldet, weil ich nicht möchte, das mich jemand erkennt. Ich habe ein Problem.
Ich (deutsche) date seit einen Monat einen türkischen Mann, aber ich habe erst erfahren, dass ich schon länger von meinen Ex schwanger bin. Er ist sehr Traditionsbewusst.
Wie ist es in der türkischen Kultur, wenn die Frau von einen anderen Mann schwanger ist? Was soll ich tun?
Sollte ich mich lieber gleich von ihm trennen? Würden türkische Männer eine schwangere Freundin gedulden, wenn das Kind nicht von ihm ist?
It should be a problem not only for Turkish men. In general, the least men would find it great if the woman who just met her is pregnant from another.
He should not only tolerate you and your child, but also stand for you and support you if the future should have. This depends on many, for example, how old or mature he is, he wants children at all, he realizes that it is from your ex, and you are permanently connected to him by the child, would you ever become a couple, do you both realize that you will have a “relation to third” from the beginning?
The only thing that really keeps you from talking to him. Give him time to process this and then wait what he says.
Thank you
Thank you. He doesn’t like me anymore
That was foreseeable. Focus on you and your child. I wish you all the best!
Yes I do
Depending on how “traditional” he is everything goes from the immediate separation to the visit of the brother to the restoration of honor
and before someone complains about Islamophobia here, it is said that there are too many cases than that one could speak nicely.
Thank you. What does the brother’s visit mean?
Honourable. Never heard of it?
Thank you. Then I heard it
Au weia. I didn’t notice.
The autocorrection seems to have hit here 😄
Must be honor killing. Autocorrection unfortunately gave the best and failed again at Angie.
Then googel.
Believe that you can’t answer flat-rate for all. Think the chance he separates is there in any case.
You have to tell him this, the longer you wait for it to become “small”. If he doesn’t want to accept it logically and then it’s a pity, but it’s a pity. he still wants you.
I’m afraid that’ll be very difficult. Most Turkish men are very traditional and there is no way to raise a strange child.
But you know him best. There can always be exceptions.
How do you value him?
I don’t know. But he’s very traditional. I’m not sure if a Turkish man wants a strange child at all. If this is not okay in Turkish culture, I would separate myself without telling about pregnancy
So if he’s traditional, I assume that neither he nor his family could accept this situation. That’s why a separation is perhaps the most meaningful.
I had separated myself from him because he became quite aggressive towards me. I don’t want to say anything to my ex
What about your ex? Would he bring up the child?
Thank you. I was afraid.
You were right! He doesn’t like me pregnant anymore! Thank you for your answers.