Türkei Kangal nach Deutschland nehmen?
Hallo, ich möchte einen Hund helfen, ein besseres Leben zu finden. Er lebt in einem kleinen Dorf von meinen Verwandten er kriegt nicht richtiges Essen, und schläft in einem dunkelen dreckigen Raum mit Läusen höchstwahrscheinlich.
Jedoch steht bei Google das die Quarante Zeit 4 Monate geht, aber wir sind hier nur 3 wochen. Meine Tante meinte 3 Wochen.
Seine Rasse ist ein Kangal- Hirtenhund er ist grade mal 3 Monate alt.
Mein Vater will ihn nach Deutschland bringen. Habt ihr vielleicht Erfahrungen oder so? Wisst ihr vielleicht wie lange sowas dauert?
Unfortunately, this is the life of millions of dogs
best you can help if you take a dog from the animal protection, where there is room for a new one again
in your case, I think it best to help you with all the animal protection, so best to get in touch with what you can do +
No matter what the quarantine you do not get out of Turkey the animals can have diseases that are no longer available in Germany. Unfortunately, it’s not just about a few fleas who have the most scatterers
in no case simply try to introduce secretly. Since there can be a lot of trouble on you
Leave it, please. You cannot offer a cangal in Germany a reasonable life. That’s a flock dog!
These dogs have lost nothing in Germany. There are very few exceptions. Most of them land in the shelter sooner or later.
Try to talk to the owners on site or find a better place for him.
it needs a valid rabies vaccine protection, must be chipped, vaccination pass, rabies antibody test (30 days after vaccination) Eu ID. But here, Hauf Kangals sit in animal shelters, as the owners did not come clear with these independent dogs, with their typical behavior. No dogs for beginners. He is on the list in Hamburg and Hessen
In order to get an animal from Turkey to Germany, you must inevitably calculate a “quarantine time” of 4 months. With 12 weeks of initial vaccination, with 16 weeks of blood collection for titer determination and 92 days after blood collection, an exit is legal.
What your aunt thinks is irrelevant. There are no such laws.
Also note:
In some regions and countries of Germany, Kangal is one of the breeds whose holders must fulfil special requirements. In Germany, for example, this applies to the federal states of Hamburg and Hessen, where the breed is run as a “list dog”.
As an addition: the titer determination may only carry out certified laboratories. And the FS should think about whether the cangal can form and work on the herd.
I would rather rely on this information than your aunt:
And here there are many other important information!
https://kitmir.de/haeufige-frage/export regulations#:~:text=Um%20ein%20Tier%20von%20der,Blutabnahme%20ist%20anExport%20legal.
How much dog experience do you have? This is a very large breed of dogs, which in some federal states is also listed.
The real question is: what do you want with a candy here in Germany?
Do you have a herd in the wild?
Depending on the place of residence, the dog tax can be extremely high.
we have a garden in size of 1200 square meters, I have asked a question and I just want one answer
The garden is quite small for a herd farm animals. You know a Kangal is not a house and family dog? You have to train and work accordingly. If that doesn’t happen, he’ll be at risk for himself and others.
In the worst case he lands in the shelter and stays there for his life because no one can offer him life for that he is designed.
Four months are mandatory and the whole thing is an extremely bad idea.