Türe schleift am Kotflügel?

Also bei meinem Audi A3 2004 hatte die rechte Türe ein kleines bisschen beim öffnen und schließen an einem gewissen Punkt geschliffen, hat man aber kaum gemerkt.
Jetzt stand ich vohin mit dem Auto leicht seitlich so das die Beifahrertüre automatisch zufällt und mein Beifahrer ist ausgestiegen und hatte die Türe komplett geöffnet und zufallen lassen, da die Türe nich grade leicht ist, hat es die schon ziemlich zugeknallt. Jetzt schleift die Türe richtig an meinem Kotflügel beim öffnen und schließen der Türe und das kleinere Viereck auf dem Bild ist auch lose. Kann das davon kommen und was kostet es das zu richten, braucht man da eine neue Türe?

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3 years ago

Then either one of the hinges is loose, or both hinge sets are already abrasively worn by lack of maintenance at the pivot point of the bearing bolts, with which the door hangs more and more and gets tilting play in the vertical alignment.

Open the door so far that it is no longer held by the door latch. Then you try to raise them to the right. If you notice a small vertical play, you have to check the hinges accordingly.

3 years ago

gives exactly 2 possibilities as this can happen. either the front is loose, so that the door has a high impact, but one should also remember that when it comes to making it does not fall cleanly into the lock but crochets. or the fender is too close to the door. the latter is a safe sign that there was sometimes a non-professional mismanagement.

lg, anna

3 years ago

Comes from the fact that no one thinks it is necessary to fatten the hinge between times and people are not aware of when they are supported on the door of the lever laws.

3 years ago

Is it just the skinny loose?

Is it possible to reconcile?

3 years ago
Reply to  Kiboman

Lid. Door open a gap and lift it to the rear end until the door is straight again.

3 years ago
Reply to  Smartass67

Whoa, whoa.

You can also do it properly and use the screws

3 years ago

Pfusch works. And if you should be a professional: Pfusch is also to wait a car without fattening the hinge.